Golden-backed Frog
Mushroom grown on frog body
Pileus 3-10 cm broad, convex to plano-convex, dry to moist, appressed subfibrillose to appressed subtomentose, old rose red to strawberry red to cardinal red (10C-D8,7,6,5,4), not changing when bruised. Flesh yellow to light yellow, unchanging when exposed, 5-12 mm thick, with acid taste and mild odor. Hymenophore tubulose; tubes light yellow (2-3A5) when young, greenish yellow or mustard yellow (3C6), unchanging when exposed; pores (and sometimes a small segment of tubes) a pale pinkish orange when very young, but soon concolorous with tubes, unchanging when bruised. Stipe 8-15 cm long, 1-2 cm broad, subclavate to nearly equal, strict or curved, dry, yellow to lemon yellow at apex, or sometimes, a pale yellow downward flushed with pink, otherwise red and conspicuously reticulate, sometimes coarsely so, but not alveolate, with reticulum concolorous with ground color, with basal mycelium white; interior solid, yellow, unchanging, sometimes red with age. Basidiospores fusoid, coarsely reticulate-alveolate. Earlier collection from same locality: Navarro 2030, 27 May 2000 (INBIO!). Gomez's description has a typo giving the pileus dimension as 7.5 mm. Singer's protologue says it's 7.5 cm (75mm)! Described by Singer based on 1 basidiome (dried) from under Pinus caribaea in Belize (500 m elev.).