Not quite sure what mushroom this is but they are plentiful in the lawn behind the house.
When cut in half they don't go blue but pealing off the sponge gills they turn blue.
Growing on a mossy bank beside a track in broadleaf-podocarp forest. Caps to 30 mm across. Stems covered with short hairs.
Mycena sp. 'Nile River'. Went back after a tip from J. Cooper that these might be bioluminescent. They were emitting a faint glow.
Exposure times of 6-8 minutes at f/8 and ISO 3200 were reasonable. Some post-process tweaking.
Dendrodoris denisoni
Order: Nudibranchia
Suborder: Doridina
Distribution: Three Kings to Fiordland
Nudibranch! We found a few of these in the rock pools.
Mass stranding with millions spread along a long exposed coast line
Is it a fish? Is it a slug? Is it a fishy anemone? I do not have a clue what this is!
It is about 30mm long and there were a few of them in the sand - outgoing tide nearly on the turn. Most were buried and only the "fan fin" was showing.
Resting on the wet sand, when the sand collapsed it arched it's face upwards (2nd and third photos) and seem to spawn capsule from somewhere - there are 2 floating in the 4th pic.
Totally hypnotic, by the time my sister-in-law and I carried on the brother had walked 2kms away from us!