Fotos / Sonidos




Junio 22, 2019 a las 06:02 TARDE AKDT

Fotos / Sonidos




Enero 2021


I found this earwig hiding in a small, moist crevice under a log of wood. I was able to recognize this insect because I have encountered one before. It was during a field trip for an invertebrate course. I was able to get it out into the open with the use of a stick. It had an elongated, flattened body. The organism also possessed dark brown markings, six legs, threadlike antenna, and pincers that protruded from the back of the abdomen. It also had two pairs of wings, but earwigs do not regularly use their wings. If they do it is only in short bursts. While I was observing this insect it kept trying to move toward a shady, damp shelter. This makes sense because earwigs are active at night and they are normally hiding during the day. Despite this fact, I assumed I would see more of them out on the soil today due to the heavy rain yesterday. I figured multiple would try getting away from the rising water, but I only found the one in the picture above. Once I acquired my picture, I let the organism do as it pleased. It went back under the log soon after. The insect remained there and did not move for the rest of the time I observed it.