Growing on stripped bark area of healthy Kunzea robusta (kanuka). Burgundy stipe.
Growing on trunk of Leptospermum scoparium (manuka)
Growing on decaying Leptospermum scoparium (manuka) trunk
Growing in soil under Kunzea robusta (kanuka)/mixed broadleaf forest
Growing in soil under Kunzea robusta (kanuka)/mixed broadleaf forest
Growing on small decaying branch of Kunzea robusta (kanuka) . Pinkish pileus.
Found many patches of these growing on a rotten stump in a wet and shaded area.
Young have a conical cap that begins to flatten out as they get older
White bare stipe
Black gills and spore print is purple-blackish.
Wanted to pick Flavolashia, but it looked like it had proper gills when I looked under. Didnt get a photo so we will never know. Found on a Cycad in the tropical plants greenhouse in Timaru
On floor of podocarp forest