These are my favorite fungi, but we've never been properly introduced.
Pourid; Layered stipe; white, inamyloid spores;
This is a Camponotus pennsylvanicus queen crawling around after a nuptial flight.
Pourid; Layered stipe; white, inamyloid spores;
As I was going to get some gas for the city vehicle, I spotted this heron and, of course, had to pull over. :)
Bird in their grasslands in July 2013. I think it is a dickcissel.
About to meet up with Greg, Liam, Mark, Cullen, Eric, and Nick -- the epitome of iNaturalist-ers. :)
Sunset hike on Bluebonnet Hill Trail I observed several blooming plants This was a tree. blooms similar to a Bradford pear but it was in a heavily treed area in full shade. you can see the sky from my photos from under the tree,,, the last photo is of it along the trail
Local name
Trout lily. Family = Liliaceae. Several plants scattered within AHNP riparian forest.
Ave en vuelo alimentándose de sardinas a la orilla de la playa en el atardecer. Ave solitaria pescando junto a cuatro pelícanos.