Tiny little snakes we have around our home. I believe these are full grown and I mistakenly thought they were baby black racers.
A small one with some nice colors on it.
A coiled, placid 32-inch (+/-) Crotalus seen late afternoon trailside. Note 1: This handsome specimen was likely lying in wait for a meal, possibly hoping for one of the rabbits that frequent the area (including one that I inadvertently flushed a few seconds earlier). I walked within three feet of the specimen before becoming aware of its presence. No threat behavior -- just minimal tongue probing about a minute into my brief photo session. Note 2: This is the fourth Diamondback I (or my son) have encountered within half a mile of this location since August 2022. The first was about 3.5 feet; the second, about 2 feet (roadkill - observation noted in iNat); the third and fourth, about 2.5 feet each. Note 3: When I returned about an hour later, the specimen had moved on.
A second juvenile seen in pre-shed.
A juvenile flipped under a rock. Only the third individual I have ever flipped under cover.
A young one crossing the trail.