20 de octubre de 2021

Lab 5 Journal Entry

The fungi I chose to research is the giant puffball (calvatia gigantea) which is most commonly found in Canada and the United States. These mushrooms are safe to eat and while some say they have no taste, others have described their taste as rich, earthy, and nutty. Harvesting these puffballs, people need to be careful not to misidentify another mushroom as the giant puffball, or eat one of the wrong age. Another use for giant puffballs is using it as medicine, which is not a common use today but was a common use of the Lakota tribe of Native Americans. The tribe used the dry spores to aid in blood clotting and as a way to protect the body from infections that could enter through cuts in the skin.

Publicado el octubre 20, 2021 03:27 MAÑANA por haileyeck haileyeck | 1 observación | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

20 de septiembre de 2021

Lab 2 Journal Entry

I chose to locate the Western Honey Bee (Apis mellifera). The honey bee is in the arthropada phylum, insecta class, and the apidae family. One adaptation all observed species in our group project have in common is small size. All observations in our group are about an inch wide and long or less which makes them difficult to see and allows them to hide from predators. A unique adaptation of one of my observations, the Carolina grasshopper, is its strong, long legs that are great for jumping high and far to get away from predators.

Publicado el septiembre 20, 2021 09:57 TARDE por haileyeck haileyeck | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
