25 de abril de 2019

Knoxville Wildlife Area & beyond (Trip)

On Sunday March 24 I hiked part of Zim Zim Valley, looking for butterflies & wildflowers mainly.

Publicado el abril 25, 2019 07:43 TARDE por kestrel kestrel | 27 observaciones | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario

10 de mayo de 2018

SF Bay Area City Nature Challenge - winners!

Hi folks,

You're tagged in this journal post because you were one of the top ten observers, species-finders, and/or identifiers (some of you are all three!) for the SF Bay Area City Nature Challenge! Congratulations, and thank you so much for your enthusiasm, time, and energy you invested in the CNC.

We'd like to recognize your contributions, and want to do something that you'd personally enjoy. So - we've thought of a few different ideas - you can pick one that you're interested in or give us other suggestions to entertain. Hopefully if some of you pick the same things, we can do them as a group - we'd love to get to know some of you better and meet those of you we don't personally know yet!

A tour of some of the Academy's research collections
A tidepooling trip with Rebecca (@rebeccafay) and me (both seasoned nudibranch-finders, and marine biologists to boot!)
Admission to NightLife at the Academy
Admission to the Academy
Beautiful flat Nature in the City maps, perfect for hanging on a wall - or we can give you a folded one if you'd prefer it
A hike some place cool together?
Something else??? - especially if you work at the Academy!

Let us know what you'd be interested in, and we can start scheming some group get-togethers or outings!

@graysquirrel @farinosa @boschniakia @catchang @kueda @dshell @jlmartin @hfb @dpom @gyrrlfalcon @sea-kangaroo @lemurdillo @merav @wbsimey @damontighe @lgottlieb @mrchasse @leftcoastnaturalist @bhill @barry_thomson

Publicado el mayo 10, 2018 10:38 TARDE por kestrel kestrel | 25 comentarios | Deja un comentario

07 de febrero de 2018

City Nature Challenge 2018! April 27-30

Hi everyone,

It's back! The City Nature Challenge is on again, this year from April 27-30. It started off in 2016 as San Francisco vs. Los Angeles, last year it was between 16 cities in the US, and this year there are over 50 cities around the world competing! You can see who's participating this year & read more about the challenge at the City Nature Challenge website.

The timeline for the City Nature Challenge is:
April 27-30: Making observations. The project won't accept any observations made before 12:00am on April 27 or made after 11:59pm on April 30.
May 1-3: Getting everything uploaded and identified! As long as the observations were made in the April 27-30 time frame, you can still upload them afterward. Also, the more observations we get identified to species, the higher our species count will be!
May 4: Results announced!

The "big 3" stats that we look at for the City Nature Challenge are (1) number of observations, (2) number of species, and (3) number of people who participated. This year we'll also be putting more emphasis on those numbers with verifiable (not captive/cultivated, and has media) observations.

Here's the SF Bay Area City Nature Challenge 2018 iNaturalist project

I'm tagging you in this journal post because you're one of the top observers and/or identifiers in the San Francisco Bay Area recently, and we'd love your help with the City Nature Challenge! All nine counties that touch SF Bay are fair game for the CNC, and we need folks out there making observations, finding species, and helping to ID the observations coming in. There will also be quite a few bioblitz events being held around the Bay Area that weekend - I'll post them to the SF Bay Area CNC iNat project once they're confirmed. We've also started a list of places in the Bay Area that should definitely be iNatted, due to their high biodiversity and/or unique species. You can see the list, put yourself down for going to a spot during CNC (and maybe find others who want to go with you), or add more places here. There will also be a couple "ID Parties" happening May 1-3, we'll post them looking for people to attend once they're scheduled.

Thanks in advance for your help with the City Nature Challenge! We hope the San Francisco Bay Area wins, but no matter what, we always want to beat LA!

Feel free to write comments & tag others you'd like to see this!

@adrained @aguilita @al_kordesch @alan_rockefeller @alexshepard @aliashraf @alice_abela @allisonjgong @alsholtz @andrewcore @annie33 @anudibranchmom @arnel @asemerdj @avocat @ayedee @barbararice @barry_thomson @biohexx1 @birdgal5 @bluevalhalla @borisb @boschniakia @c_michael_hogan @cae1 @calebcam @catchang @cedric_lee @charley @chloejreid @chris_nelson @cjs041 @clarkia11 @clem @coffearobusta42 @constance @cordulegaster58obliqua @cypseloides @d_kluza @damontighe @dannym @darinjm7 @datnatureguy @dave-barry @dgreenberger @diego4nature @direbecca @djm @dominic @dpom @dsacer @dshell @eddiebug @edoswalt @edwardrooks @eknuth @else @ericsimons @ericwilliams @ezeemonee @farinosa @fher @fogartyf @geodani @glmory @graysquirrel @greglasley @grnleaf @gyrrlfalcon @hfabian @hfb @icosahedron @j-southworth @jbroadhead @jimjohnson @jlmartin @jmaughn @joelle @joergmlpts @john8 @johnascher @johnplischke @joshuabobcatstacy @joshuagsmith @julie_sf @k8thegr8 @kathawk @keithghostwatcherjohnson @kellykrechmer @kestrel @kevinhintsa @kittyoneil @kschnei @kueda @leftcoastnaturalist @lemurdillo @lenaz @leptonia @leslie_flint @lgottlieb @libbing_life @lisa_bennett @loarie @lonnyholmes @lorri-gong @lsauma @maractwin @marinmaverick @marionanoiram @mazer @mcduck @merav @metsa @mikhael @mizgreenejeans @morgancantrell @mpkw @mrchasse @natbat @naturechris @nelruzam @newtpatrol @nicolas_forestell @nlblock @npdoty @ocean_beach_goth @oddirt @paloma @pbrastow @pdvmushroom @philwarren @pisasterpursuer @pliffgrieff @pocketmouse @ppauchnick @psweet @raphaela_fb @raulagrait @rebeccafay @rhislop @rhole @richardwasson @ripple @robberfly @ross2 @rudyard @sambiology @sciencebabe @sdash @sea-kangaroo @sganley @silversea_starsong @slloyd @snickelfritz76 @stuartrichardson @studentlc @susanhewitt @suzm @suzrj @tahil @tanacitafolia @tcurtis @terrydad2 @th0th @thefruithunter @tigerbb @tiwane @tkoffel @tlaloc27 @tomv @tonicorelli2 @truthseqr @utopia4sharing @vermfly @vicfazio3 @wildmarin @wooac @wyattherp @xyz

Publicado el febrero 7, 2018 07:45 TARDE por kestrel kestrel | 62 comentarios | Deja un comentario

20 de junio de 2017

Snapshot Cal Coast 2017

Hi everyone!

You’re tagged in this journal post because you’re one of the top iNaturalist observers along the California coast!

Rebecca & I wanted to let you all know that the second annual Snapshot Cal Coast is happening June 23 – July 2! It’s a statewide effort to document California coastal biodiversity to better understand changes in species ranges and to get a sense of what species occur in specific coastal sites. Snapshot Cal Coast is organized by Citizen Science at the California Academy of Sciences in partnership with the California Marine Protected Area Collaborative Network.

We’re interested in species found in the rocky intertidal, sandy beaches, dunes, docks, estuaries, coastal scrub – anything along the coast from Del Norte to San Diego! If you happen to find yourself on the coast June 23 – July 2, you can participate just by making observations – they will be automatically added to our Snapshot Cal Coast iNaturalist project. There are also quite a few events happening in support of Snapshot Cal Coast; not all are open to the public but those that are have links you can click to find out more information: Snapshot Cal Coast events.

You can also help by identifying observations made by others – we anticipate quite a few people new to iNaturalist participating in Snapshot Cal Coast, and getting IDs from folks like you will be hugely rewarding and will hopefully motivate them to keep on using iNat!

If you have any questions feel free to post them in the comments or contact either one of us.

Thanks all!
Rebecca (@rebeccafay) & Alison (@kestrel)
California Academy of Sciences Citizen Science

@jmaughn @finatic @kueda @mcduck @lemurdillo @dpom @anudibranchmom @robberfly @tiyumq @marisa_a @jaykeller @gbentall @alex_bairstow @hfabian @direbecca @sidesplotch @mazer @glmory @dlbowls @loarie @gyrrlfalcon @leslie_flint @allisonjgong @thefruithunter @tiwane @lorri-gong @cae1 @matthew_salkiewicz @slsfirefight @sea-kangaroo @cedric_lee @megansixt @rjadams55 @pbrastow @primalux @silversea_starsong @psyllidhipster @philwarren @patsimpson2000 @damontighe @marisa @rudyard @joe_cutler @th0th @jon_sullivan @ross2 @raulagrait @ajwacaser @adrained @dave-barry @avocat @catchang @mrchasse @lenaz @metsa @wildmarin @paloma @ericsimons @chriswbrown @edwardrooks @folini @ocean_beach_goth @biosam @terrydad2 @bjdion @photon-hog @lynnwatson @hikingsandiego @cspnl @bbunny @ryanandrews @scubabruin @vireolanius @chiriria @dmh0716 @kimssight @gabbieb

Publicado el junio 20, 2017 12:01 MAÑANA por kestrel kestrel | 18 comentarios | Deja un comentario

07 de abril de 2017

City Nature Challenge Trips & Events

Hi everyone,

Feeling the need to consolidate a list of trips and events happening for the City Nature Challenge! Some of these trips/events have links where you can RSVP, for the others, just let us know you'd like to come!

If you're planning a trip for the City Nature Challenge where others can join you, list it in the comments and I'll add it to the journal post.

Friday, April 14
12:01 am: City Nature Challenge STARTS
San Mateo Coast trip with @rebeccafay & @kestrel - let us know if you'd like to join us for any or all of these locations!:
6:30 am at Pillar Point Reef for the low tide
10:30 am at Pillar Point Harbor to check out the fouling organisms
2 pm at Burleigh-Murray State Park
Mix Canyon to Blue Ridge with @vermfly on Friday morning 4/14. This is the general area: https://goo.gl/maps/EJhTh7kv6Zv If folks want to arrange to meet and explore the Vaca Mountains along Mix Canyon/Blue Ridge Road just let @vermfly know.

Saturday, April 15
Ring Mountain Bioblitz with @rebeccafay & @kestrel: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/ring-mountain-bioblitz
Edgewood Park iNaturalist Trip with @dpom, @gyrrlfalcon, & @leslie_flint: http://www.sequoia-audubon.org/fieldtrips.html
Inner Sunset Bioblitz led by @adrained & the Nerds for Nature during the Green Hairstreak Butterfly Festival: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/green-hairstreak-corridor-bioblitz-2017
Earth Day at the Oakland Zoo with @mtravlos: http://www.oaklandzoo.org/Calendar_Item.php?i=1650
"Competitive nature observing" around Lake Lagunitas from 1-4pm with MMWD (@boschniakia and @lotusmorning)

Sunday, April 16
Solano County trip with @rebeccafay & @kestrel - let us know if you'd like to join us at either or both locations so we can coordinate!:
9:45 am at Jepson Prairie for their 10 am docent walk
2 pm taking Grizzly Island Road through Suisun Marsh - stopping and documenting along the way, getting out to walk in areas that look good!

Monday, April 17
Mines Road trip with @rebeccafay: 10:30 am starting at the Livermore side and heading down Mines Road - stopping and documenting along the way. Let us know if you'd like to join!
Northern Napa County trip with @kestrel: 10:30 am meeting at the south end of the Knoxville Wildlife Area (north of Lake Berryessa) - stopping and taking short walks (especially to some serpentine areas) as we head up the valley, and then heading to some of the areas that burned 2 years ago to see what's popping up there. Let us know if you'd like to join!
Oakland's secret beach! 12-1:30 pm with the California Center for Natural History: https://calnature.org/events/2017/4/17/city-nature-challenge-radio-beach
Marine critters in Oakland! 5-7 pm with the California Center for Natural History: https://calnature.org/events/2017/4/7/city-nature-challenge-document-marine-critters-in-oakland

Tuesday, April 18
San Francisco/South San Francisco trip with @rebeccafay & @kestrel: Based on what has been observed to this point, we'll probably head to various areas around San Francisco and south to document whatever species we can that haven't yet been documented! We'll pick a meeting spot for the morning, consolidate into cars, and head out from there. Let us know if you'd like to join.
Wrap Party! Upload, identify, get help, and hang out. 6-9 pm with the California Center for Natural History: https://calnature.org/events/2017/4/18/city-nature-challenge-wrap-party-upload-identify-get-help-and-hang-out
11:59 pm: City Nature Challenge Ends - no observations MADE after this time will be accepted (totally fine to continue to upload observations made DURING the CNC, though!)

Wednesday, April 19
ID Party at the California Academy of Sciences, 6pm. Please fill out this form if you're planning on coming - we'll need everyone's name ahead of time! https://goo.gl/forms/daNGYcnAUV0qKFfA3

Saturday, April 22
City Nature Challenge results announced! The "final" numbers will be pulled at 9 am that morning, with announcement of results later that day. So make sure all observations are uploaded & as many IDs as possible have been made by 9 am, 4/22!

@tiwane @leftcoastnaturalist @sea-kangaroo @direbecca @cae1 @robberfly @metsa @suzm @mrchasse @nelruzam @damontighe @loarie @gyrrlfalcon @kerrywininger @leslie_flint @bayareafamiliesoutside @cydno @alisakim @sarahleach @sciencebabe @tomv @bjoelle @christina19 @esppim @bill19 @raulagrait @wbsimey @boschniakia @shaunmichael @bluebird101 @tedbarone @globetrot @brettstevenson @leptonia @ianvanwert @saltydida @peekay122 @ryderdiaz @bollyanna @amybird @adrained @libbing_life @aschlosser @rgb @tomborden @bjarni @marionanthonisen @mazer @hfabian @kmarie333 @dpom @catchang @anudibranchmom @avocat @truthseqr @kevinhintsa @jmaughn @lenaz @richardwasson @lgottlieb @wildmarin @pdvmushroom @dgreenberger @joelle @reallifeecology @philwarren @dave-barry @ross2 @utopia4sharing @icosahedron @darinjm7 @matty @evelynch @rhislop @kalibardo @th0th @rockybajada @cjs041 @anaxyrus @thefruithunter @constance @lemurdillo @suzrj @ericsimons @oddirt @geodani @c_michael_hogan @newtpatrol @alexshepard @shellbell @mikewitkowski @alan_rockefeller @coffearobusta42 @isaj @ergunnison @jamie9 @misserika @laceypantalones @stephen_sikes @rudyard @americannaturalist90 @paloma @calopteryx @ocean_beach_goth @rappman @ashley_w @alejandrobrambila @michaelvoeltz @xizitro33 @deekyn @lynnmurphy @terrydad2 @melaniekyrajohn @mmcmasters @npdoty @jennifer_w @jasonar @lorri-gong @harmoge @nmcnear @marabethg @abr @refb @djrawlinson @ajwacaser @syntheticperson @danielgeorge @kathycuneo @marinmaverick @ewrubel @johndumbacher @thesunisbig @wendy_h @molly_l @protecthabitat @naturechris @allisonpeters @janet_d @mirone @eric_h @parkranger9 @ejhensel @feather @nrios13 @aimeearmstrong @tkoffel @ichihuahua @brandon-bredo @jason00 @acruz @wtg1940 @bsanchez20 @superjgrover @cvvigil @brook @julieecho @wildlife_seeker @eccentric_entomophile @miketroll @lillora @hasfitz5 @sharondulava @antnat @tarantulalover @kathy17 @seanp @sunfishmoonlight @aliashraf @james35 @eddiebug @edoswalt @arielcherbowsky @glmory @cizauskas @pmdenn @dmontijo @deejay @pocketmouse @merav @lazarus @brycestauble @mcclellanranch @paranger @datnatureguy @megansixt @marisa_a @bobcat88 @joe_cutler @susiebennett @sleepypenguin @temminicki @monigeek @kewright @wooac @juliebwalters @cdbrewer @giraffe @fher @j-southworth @amy_mautz @dominique-sevi @vladthegreen @a2lau @farinosa @kschnei @treeluvr @serpophaga @allenratzlaff @cole7 @pbrastow @phytofield @ycarnice @rademacherdan

Publicado el abril 7, 2017 11:51 TARDE por kestrel kestrel | 19 comentarios | Deja un comentario

16 de marzo de 2017

City Nature Challenge 2017

Hi Everyone!

Wanted to let you all know that City Nature Challenge is happening again this year, April 14-18, 2017! Much like last year it’s the SF Bay Area (all 9 Bay Area counties) vs. Los Angeles County, but this year we’re also adding 14 other cities across the US! You can see the full list of cities here: http://www.calacademy.org/citizen-science/city-nature-challenge. We expect the competition to be fierce with so many cities joining in this year!

I’ve tagged you in this journal post (or in the comments) because you’re either: (1) a top observer from last year’s City Nature Challenge, and/or (2) a top observer in the SF Bay Area or one (or more!) of its counties over the last year or so. We’re really hoping you’ll participate in this year’s City Nature Challenge – while we know getting observations from as many people as we can is important, we also know that it’s top iNat observers like you that will really push us ahead in the number of observations made and especially the number of species found in the Bay Area!

The easiest way to join in is to just make as many observations of as many species as possible in any of the nine counties that touch SF Bay during April 14-18. Helping with IDs will also increase our species number, so that’s a great way to help out as well. And of course, spread the word! City Nature Challenge 2017: San Francisco Bay Area iNaturalist project: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/city-nature-challenge-2017-san-francisco-bay-area

The details: the CNC runs from 12:01 AM on Friday, 4/14 to 11:59 PM on Tuesday, 4/18. All observations from all nine Bay Area counties (Marin, Sonoma, Napa, Solano, Contra Costa, Alameda, Santa Clara, San Mateo, SF) counts. We're announcing results on Saturday, 4/22, so try to get all your observations uploaded by then! Also, the more observations we can get identified down to species by then, the higher our species number will be.

NHMLA has made a leaderboard page - it should be dynamic and will shuffle the order of the cities based on who has made the most observations: https://nhm.org/nature/citizen-science/city-nature-challenge-2017-leaderboard

We’ve also been brainstorming (thanks @kueda!) about places around the Bay that would be really great to have people go to during the City Nature Challenge – places that have high diversity and/or unique species. You can see the list here (first sheet, “Places”), and please feel free to add other places you think should be on the list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Aeg_ELc0h9IiHNN7N3rKkp1JZRtIk-8p275rcl_Eqx4/edit?usp=sharing

Rebecca (@rebeccafay) and I (@kestrel) are planning to lead some trips to a few of those places that you’re welcome to join us for! On the Google spreadsheet linked above, see the second sheet (“TRIPS!”) and add your name if you’d like to join us on one or more of these expeditions. Also, if you’re willing to lead a trip to one of the places listed (or any other Bay Area place!) please add the place, the date, your name as the leader, and potential taxa/species of interest to the Google spreadsheet. And then others can sign up to join you!

We’ll also be adding bigger, public events to our Academy bioblitz page (http://www.calacademy.org/citizen-science/bioblitzes), and you’re welcome to join those events as well. If your organization will be holding an event in the April 14-18 window that people could come to and make iNaturalist observations for the City Nature Challenge, please let me know and we’ll add it to this page and it will be promoted via the Academy’s social media accounts.

Please feel free to brainstorm other ideas, ask questions, etc. in the comments – and definitely add others to this journal post via tagging them in the comments!

@tiwane @leftcoastnaturalist @sea-kangaroo @direbecca @cae1 @robberfly @metsa @suzm @mrchasse @nelruzam @damontighe @loarie @gyrrlfalcon @kerrywininger @leslie_flint @bayareafamiliesoutside @cydno @alisakim @sarahleach @sciencebabe @tomv @bjoelle @christina19 @esppim @bill19 @raulagrait @wbsimey @boschniakia @shaunmichael @bluebird101 @tedbarone @globetrot @brettstevenson @leptonia @ianvanwert @saltydida @peekay122 @ryderdiaz @bollyanna @amybird @adrained @libbing_life @aschlosser @rgb @tomborden @bjarni @marionanthonisen @mazer @hfabian @kmarie333 @dpom @catchang @anudibranchmom @avocat @truthseqr @kevinhintsa @jmaughn @lenaz @richardwasson @lgottlieb @wildmarin @pdvmushroom @dgreenberger @joelle @reallifeecology @philwarren @dave-barry @ross2 @utopia4sharing @icosahedron @darinjm7 @matty @evelynch @rhislop @kalibardo @th0th @rockybajada @cjs041 @anaxyrus @thefruithunter @constance @lemurdillo @suzrj @ericsimons @oddirt @geodani @c_michael_hogan @newtpatrol @alexshepard @shellbell @mikewitkowski @alan_rockefeller @coffearobusta42 @isaj @ergunnison @jamie9 @misserika @laceypantalones @stephen_sikes @rudyard @americannaturalist90 @paloma @calopteryx @ocean_beach_goth @rappman @ashley_w @alejandrobrambila @michaelvoeltz @xizitro33 @deekyn @lynnmurphy @terrydad2 @melaniekyrajohn @mmcmasters @npdoty @jennifer_w @jasonar @lorri-gong @harmoge @nmcnear @marabethg @abr @refb @djrawlinson @ajwacaser @syntheticperson @danielgeorge @kathycuneo @marinmaverick @ewrubel @johndumbacher @thesunisbig @wendy_h @molly_l @protecthabitat @naturechris @allisonpeters @janet_d @mirone @eric_h @parkranger9 @ejhensel @feather @nrios13 @aimeearmstrong @tkoffel @ichihuahua @brandon-bredo @jason00 @acruz @wtg1940 @bsanchez20 @superjgrover @cvvigil @brook @julieecho @wildlife_seeker @eccentric_entomophile @miketroll @lillora @hasfitz5 @sharondulava @antnat @tarantulalover @kathy17 @seanp @sunfishmoonlight @aliashraf @james35 @eddiebug @edoswalt @arielcherbowsky @glmory @cizauskas @pmdenn @dmontijo @deejay @pocketmouse @merav @lazarus @brycestauble @mcclellanranch @paranger @datnatureguy @megansixt @marisa_a @bobcat88 @joe_cutler @susiebennett @sleepypenguin @temminicki @monigeek @kewright @wooac @juliebwalters @cdbrewer @giraffe @fher @j-southworth @amy_mautz @dominique-sevi @vladthegreen @a2lau @farinosa @kschnei @treeluvr @serpophaga @allenratzlaff @cole7 @pbrastow @phytofield @ycarnice @rademacherdan

Publicado el marzo 16, 2017 06:56 TARDE por kestrel kestrel | 98 comentarios | Deja un comentario

24 de marzo de 2016

City Nature Challenge: SF vs LA!

The California Academy of Sciences and the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County have issued a challenge: who can document the most biodiversity in one week, the San Francisco Bay Area or Los Angeles County?

Centered around the first-ever National Citizen Science Day and Earth Day, these museums are spearheading the effort to get San Francisco Bay Area and Los Angeles County residents and visitors to document as many species as possible using iNaturalist: the City Nature Challenge: S.F. vs L.A.! It all starts at noon on Thursday, April 14 and runs through noon on Thursday, April 21. Not only will these observations help build up the baseline of California biodiversity, but it also provides data for our local scientists, land managers, and governments about the areas they study and care for. On Earth Day, Friday, April 22, the stats will be compared. Who will come out on top? Which city will have the most species found, the most observations, the most citizen scientists involved: Los Angeles or San Francisco?

<img src="http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o138/jupitergo/0392b695-f12d-4643-9cd6-884f800f709b_zpsaqrx1yhl.jpg"

The California Academy of Sciences firmly believes that the Bay Area will win this competition! We have amazingly diverse wildlife from the shores of the Pacific Ocean and San Francisco Bay to the peaks of Mt. Diablo and Mt. Tamalpais; we have incredible city, county, state, and national parks; and we are an environmentally-minded and dedicated populace.

So what can you do to help the San Francisco Bay Area win this challenge?

We're reaching out to you, the Bay Area iNatters, to help us #BeatLA! Make as many observations as you can in our nine Bay Area Counties, help ID observations coming in, organize an event or get-together where people can make iNat observations (and add that event in the comments below!), come to our McLaren Bioblitz on April 16, spread the word, tag other Bay Area iNaturalist users in the comments!

Starting at noon on April 14 until noon on April 21, all observations made in the Bay Area will aggregate here: City Nature Challenge: S.F. vs L.A.

@hfabian @dpom @robberfly @anudibranchmom @damontighe @tiwane @direbecca @avocat @loarie @cae1 @kueda @jmaughn @sea-kangaroo @kevinhintsa @gyrrlfalcon @evelynch @nelruzam @richardwasson @marionanthonisen @leftcoastnaturalist @metsa @bluebird101 @dgreenberger @philwarren @th0th @mrchasse @lgottlieb @molly_l @ashley_w @alexshepard @jennifer_w @laceypantalones @paloma @protecthabitat @libbiwu @dave-barry @rudyard @bjoelle @leslie_flint @ross2 @wendy_h @eric_h @icosahedron @james35 @wbsimey @prakrit @amybird @boschniakia @laurahersz @acollins @damontighe @eddiebug @biosam @leptonia @invertboy @rebeccafay @adrained @cdbrewer @pbrastow @gunarson @raulagrait @rademacherdan @folini @joelle @constance @greenrosettas @tbschwarz @ajwacaser @papiliogal @heathermarie

Publicado el marzo 24, 2016 09:33 TARDE por kestrel kestrel | 16 comentarios | Deja un comentario