Archivos de diario de marzo 2017

15 de marzo de 2017

City Nature Challenge 2017

Hey everyone!

Just a quick note to let you know that City Nature Challenge 2017 is happening, April 14-18! And this year, instead of just the SF Bay Area vs. LA County, it's SF vs. LA vs. 14 other cities across the country!

You can see the full list of participating cities here:

We'd love to have your involvement again this year! Look for a journal post soon you'll be tagged in that will go over strategy for this year's City Nature Challenge - we'll lead some trips for the Bay Area iNatters to join us on, and we have places throughout the Bay Area in which we'd like to make sure someone (or maybe a group of iNatters!) goes and makes observations to help up our species numbers!

Competition is going to be fierce this year with so many cities joining in!

-Alison (@kestrel) & Rebecca (@rebeccafay)

Publicado el marzo 15, 2017 11:13 TARDE por kestrel kestrel | 3 comentarios | Deja un comentario

16 de marzo de 2017

City Nature Challenge 2017

Hi Everyone!

Wanted to let you all know that City Nature Challenge is happening again this year, April 14-18, 2017! Much like last year it’s the SF Bay Area (all 9 Bay Area counties) vs. Los Angeles County, but this year we’re also adding 14 other cities across the US! You can see the full list of cities here: We expect the competition to be fierce with so many cities joining in this year!

I’ve tagged you in this journal post (or in the comments) because you’re either: (1) a top observer from last year’s City Nature Challenge, and/or (2) a top observer in the SF Bay Area or one (or more!) of its counties over the last year or so. We’re really hoping you’ll participate in this year’s City Nature Challenge – while we know getting observations from as many people as we can is important, we also know that it’s top iNat observers like you that will really push us ahead in the number of observations made and especially the number of species found in the Bay Area!

The easiest way to join in is to just make as many observations of as many species as possible in any of the nine counties that touch SF Bay during April 14-18. Helping with IDs will also increase our species number, so that’s a great way to help out as well. And of course, spread the word! City Nature Challenge 2017: San Francisco Bay Area iNaturalist project:

The details: the CNC runs from 12:01 AM on Friday, 4/14 to 11:59 PM on Tuesday, 4/18. All observations from all nine Bay Area counties (Marin, Sonoma, Napa, Solano, Contra Costa, Alameda, Santa Clara, San Mateo, SF) counts. We're announcing results on Saturday, 4/22, so try to get all your observations uploaded by then! Also, the more observations we can get identified down to species by then, the higher our species number will be.

NHMLA has made a leaderboard page - it should be dynamic and will shuffle the order of the cities based on who has made the most observations:

We’ve also been brainstorming (thanks @kueda!) about places around the Bay that would be really great to have people go to during the City Nature Challenge – places that have high diversity and/or unique species. You can see the list here (first sheet, “Places”), and please feel free to add other places you think should be on the list:

Rebecca (@rebeccafay) and I (@kestrel) are planning to lead some trips to a few of those places that you’re welcome to join us for! On the Google spreadsheet linked above, see the second sheet (“TRIPS!”) and add your name if you’d like to join us on one or more of these expeditions. Also, if you’re willing to lead a trip to one of the places listed (or any other Bay Area place!) please add the place, the date, your name as the leader, and potential taxa/species of interest to the Google spreadsheet. And then others can sign up to join you!

We’ll also be adding bigger, public events to our Academy bioblitz page (, and you’re welcome to join those events as well. If your organization will be holding an event in the April 14-18 window that people could come to and make iNaturalist observations for the City Nature Challenge, please let me know and we’ll add it to this page and it will be promoted via the Academy’s social media accounts.

Please feel free to brainstorm other ideas, ask questions, etc. in the comments – and definitely add others to this journal post via tagging them in the comments!

@tiwane @leftcoastnaturalist @sea-kangaroo @direbecca @cae1 @robberfly @metsa @suzm @mrchasse @nelruzam @damontighe @loarie @gyrrlfalcon @kerrywininger @leslie_flint @bayareafamiliesoutside @cydno @alisakim @sarahleach @sciencebabe @tomv @bjoelle @christina19 @esppim @bill19 @raulagrait @wbsimey @boschniakia @shaunmichael @bluebird101 @tedbarone @globetrot @brettstevenson @leptonia @ianvanwert @saltydida @peekay122 @ryderdiaz @bollyanna @amybird @adrained @libbing_life @aschlosser @rgb @tomborden @bjarni @marionanthonisen @mazer @hfabian @kmarie333 @dpom @catchang @anudibranchmom @avocat @truthseqr @kevinhintsa @jmaughn @lenaz @richardwasson @lgottlieb @wildmarin @pdvmushroom @dgreenberger @joelle @reallifeecology @philwarren @dave-barry @ross2 @utopia4sharing @icosahedron @darinjm7 @matty @evelynch @rhislop @kalibardo @th0th @rockybajada @cjs041 @anaxyrus @thefruithunter @constance @lemurdillo @suzrj @ericsimons @oddirt @geodani @c_michael_hogan @newtpatrol @alexshepard @shellbell @mikewitkowski @alan_rockefeller @coffearobusta42 @isaj @ergunnison @jamie9 @misserika @laceypantalones @stephen_sikes @rudyard @americannaturalist90 @paloma @calopteryx @ocean_beach_goth @rappman @ashley_w @alejandrobrambila @michaelvoeltz @xizitro33 @deekyn @lynnmurphy @terrydad2 @melaniekyrajohn @mmcmasters @npdoty @jennifer_w @jasonar @lorri-gong @harmoge @nmcnear @marabethg @abr @refb @djrawlinson @ajwacaser @syntheticperson @danielgeorge @kathycuneo @marinmaverick @ewrubel @johndumbacher @thesunisbig @wendy_h @molly_l @protecthabitat @naturechris @allisonpeters @janet_d @mirone @eric_h @parkranger9 @ejhensel @feather @nrios13 @aimeearmstrong @tkoffel @ichihuahua @brandon-bredo @jason00 @acruz @wtg1940 @bsanchez20 @superjgrover @cvvigil @brook @julieecho @wildlife_seeker @eccentric_entomophile @miketroll @lillora @hasfitz5 @sharondulava @antnat @tarantulalover @kathy17 @seanp @sunfishmoonlight @aliashraf @james35 @eddiebug @edoswalt @arielcherbowsky @glmory @cizauskas @pmdenn @dmontijo @deejay @pocketmouse @merav @lazarus @brycestauble @mcclellanranch @paranger @datnatureguy @megansixt @marisa_a @bobcat88 @joe_cutler @susiebennett @sleepypenguin @temminicki @monigeek @kewright @wooac @juliebwalters @cdbrewer @giraffe @fher @j-southworth @amy_mautz @dominique-sevi @vladthegreen @a2lau @farinosa @kschnei @treeluvr @serpophaga @allenratzlaff @cole7 @pbrastow @phytofield @ycarnice @rademacherdan

Publicado el marzo 16, 2017 06:56 TARDE por kestrel kestrel | 98 comentarios | Deja un comentario