01 de octubre de 2024

First Nature Walk - October 1

First nature walk around Chestnut Hill reservoir. Since I went pretty late in the evening, it was pretty chilly (62F) and dark. Since it’s early in the fall season, I expected more colored trees and dying plants. Despite so most of the plants didn't die off as I was expecting with the chilly weather. I did notice that more of the individual plant were dying however the ones that grew in bushes or in larger group were mostly green. Surprisingly there were some flowers as well, although there were not in full bloom. I noticed some colored vine which surprised me since I wasn’t expecting vines to change color in the season. Nearing the end of my walk I noticed some birds in the reservoir including some ducks and swans (Genus Anas and perhaps the Mute Swan - Cygnus olor). Since it was late, it was surprising to see any animals out or that there would be a population of birds in the reservoir.

Publicado el octubre 1, 2024 10:42 TARDE por rodriaow rodriaow | 3 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
