Archivos de diario de julio 2024

06 de julio de 2024

Why Did I Think This Would Be a Good Idea?

I need to stop catching damselflies inches away from spiders. Two different species jump-scared me while I was handling bluets.

I know next to nothing about them, but I'm certain as long as they keep jumping out at me I'll rack up a decent spider list before the end of the year.

Publicado el julio 6, 2024 06:42 TARDE por ryanlaruffa ryanlaruffa | 2 observaciones | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario

12 de julio de 2024

Butterfly in My House (Among Other News)

An American Copper escaped containment. Took me about 15 long minutes to get it back. Knew it was gonna happen at some point, but I figured it would've happened with damselflies first. I think it would've been funnier if I had let a swallowtail in the house and not tell anyone.

Anyway, I've gotta hand it to the original etymologists and naturalists that figured out species of insects because if it came down to me, I would've left everything as one big complex. How did they figure out Eastern Forktails can look bright, neon green and orange at the same time? You're telling me this thing isn't an Orange Bluet? Can't take it anymore. 84 degrees with biting flies everywhere, and I'm supposed to be enjoying this? Why couldn't I just stick to birds?

The Eastern Amberwing was pretty cool, though.

Publicado el julio 12, 2024 01:25 MAÑANA por ryanlaruffa ryanlaruffa | 5 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
