Cranberry Bog

In Natural areas of Vermont (1964), Hub Vogelmann describes Cranberry Bog near the summit of Snake Mountain in Weybridge. Today Cranberry Bog is part of the Snake Mountain Wildlife Management Area (WMA). The brochure says the WMA is diverse, and that is very true. You never know what you'll find on Snake Mountain!

We hiked to Cranberry Bog on April 11, 2023. I made only a few observations on this day since we were pressed for time. We saw lots of deer sign on this hike. It appears that Snake Mountain is an important deer wintering area.

Water levels were down everywhere we went. The brook was running slower than usual. Vernal pools were low or completely dry. The beaver pond just west of the bog was at less than half capacity. Clearly Snake Mountain needs more rain to bring the water levels back to normal.

Publicado el abril 14, 2023 01:10 TARDE por trscavo trscavo


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