Loma Prieta Fire

I was hiking the Woods Trail at Sierra Azul (2.7 miles into the preserve) when the Loma Prieta fire broke out. When I first saw the smoke cloud to the south, I thought it might be a big billowy cloud blowing in from the ocean, but the pinkish-yellow glow near the base gave it away. The wind was blowing northeast at the time, right in my direction. It was quite scary to be that close to a wildfire! It looked like it was just over the next ridge. I didn't realize until later that it was miles away. I ran back to the parking lot, and within that hour-long span of time, the fire had grown 10-fold. I'm feeling a profound sense of sadness and loss for all the trees, shrubs, and wildlife that are being consumed by the blaze.

Thank God for the hundreds of heroic firefighters who are working day and night to contain the blaze. Please keep them safe.

Publicado el septiembre 28, 2016 12:50 TARDE por truthseqr truthseqr


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