Well I am now a published author. This season teaching in east Tennessee I was asked to make a guide to the wildflowers I have observed a photographed on my workplaces property. I was asked to make this guide in the hope that interested persons would be able to use my photos to identify the wildflower species that can be found there. After several weeks it is finally done. Admittedly my book is not what I would call an "official" field guide since it does not have a description of the leaves, stem, flowers, or fruit of each plant. I am unfortunately not proficient enough in my botanical jargon to give such adequate descriptions. It does contain a photo of every wildflower I have seen on the property as well as flowering time and a rather vague description of where the species can be found. I also included a brief section explaining the reasons for botanical diversity of the southern Appalachian region. I made two copies, one for my workplace and one for myself. I am pretty excited about having been able to work on this. My hope is that someone somewhere will be able to get some degree of use or enjoyment out of it. I am already up to 163 species for the year and have an overall life list of 429 wildflower species. I am grateful to everyone who follows me here on iNat. I hope my observations have been as useful and enjoyable to all of you as all of your findings have been to me.