March 31, 2013

Today, BJ and I explored a new area to me from the La Cresta Heights gate.
I finally got to see some Big Berry Manzanita and Bladderpod in Crestridge.
After exploring a trail going down to the left, and BJ left to check on a bird observation else where, I climbed up to a plateau with loops for mountain bikers and more segdes and rush than what I have seen at CER before.
Ceanothus leucodermis were abundant and still in bloom. There was also a rocky area that seem to be a very good location for Hesperoyucca whipplei and a great view.

Publicado el abril 1, 2013 04:03 MAÑANA por microm microm


Thank you BJ for sharing this walk and your pictures!

Publicado por microm hace más de 11 años

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