Hi, all, just a quick note to mention that the BiodiversityWorks HQ Biodiversity Survey project just tallied its 250th species. I think that's an impressive number for this property, which is small and partly occupied by a building and bare sand parking areas. Thanks to everyone who has contributed observations during the 2+ years the project has existed - I hope that even the project members who are no longer on the Vineyard take some satisfaction in seeing how sightings have accumulated over time. I expect that 250 still significantly understates the true diversity of this site, though many of the not yet documented species may be scarce, present only intermittently, or cryptic. So while we may have tallied most of the low-hanging fruit, there is still a lot of opportunity for the species count to grow.
We're closing in on our 500th observation, too (currently at 496). So project members who are still here should keep an eye out for snap-worthy wildlife!
This is exciting!! Thanks for the update, Matt. Are there particular groups of insects where you think we could focus some effort?
Wasps, flies, and, especially, moths. If we ran a moth sheet or two every few weeks next year, we'd add a TON of species.
Something to plan for then!
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