January 8th - Tipula furca

We're happy to announce another online meeting! Here are the details:

This week we'll look broadly at the species in the subgenus Yamatotipula, and learn together how to rule out T. furca from photos.

Just as a reminder: our meetings are entirely informal, and everyone is invited to speak their minds and ask questions to the group. Participation is key to learning!

Please leave a comment either to let us know if you plan to come or to subscribe to be notified of future events! Questions are also welcome.

The Zoom meeting will open at 8 PM EST on Sunday the 8th.

Join the Zoom Meeting here: Meeting Link

Meeting ID: 874 5687 3015

Passcode: diptera

Identify Link for this meeting: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?order_by=random&taxon_id=321686&place_id=1%2C6712

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Publicado el enero 4, 2023 02:09 TARDE por zdanko zdanko


This should be interesting! It's been a few years since I've looked at these; relevant notes probably deserve their own document, but were last collected at https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1s8izUrjmcAUHdJTcVtH23Tld_wVtyTMxWHb1nqSvf3o/edit#slide=id.g594ba8f107_0_251

Publicado por edanko hace más de 1 año

Oooo very excited for this one! I'll do my best to be there

Publicado por mecopteron_bouillon hace más de 1 año

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