Mixed Table for Habitat, Geography, Elevation, Taxonomic accoutrements for BC Bryaceae

Trying to combine data sources from Bryophyte Portal and Flora of North America for Bryaceae.

# Species Authority Publication title Publication year Habitat Elevation FNA Page Bryoportal Distribution Map
1 Anomobryum concinnatum (Spruce) Lindberg Öfvers Kongl. Vetensk.-Akad. Förh. 1861 Acidic seepy or damp soil, soil over rock, ledges low to high elevations (0-3500 m) here here
2 Anomobryum julaceum (Schrader ex P. Gaertner Syn. Musc. Eur., 1860 Acidic seepy or damp soil, soil over rock, ledges low to high elevations (0-4000 m) here here
3 Bryum blindii Bruch & Schimper Bryol. Europ. 1846 Calcareous mineral soil, soil banks, cold-temperate to arctic-alpine regions low to high elevations (0-3500 m) here here
4 Bryum calobryoides J. R. Spence Bryologist 1987 Calcareous damp soil, rock moderate to high elevations (1000-3000 m) here here
5 Bryum lanatum (P. Beauvois) Bridel Muscol. Recent., suppl. 1817 Soil, soil over rock, rock in dry climates low to high elevations (0-4200 m) here here
6 Bryum oblongum Lindberg Meddeland. Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 1883 Neutral mineral soil, soil banks, boreal to arctic-alpine regions low to moderate elevations (0-1500 m) here here
7 Gemmabryum barnesii (J. B. Wood ex Schimper) J. R. Spence Phytologia 2007 Dry to damp soil, sandy disturbed sites low to moderate elevations (0-1200 m) here here
8 Gemmabryum caespiticium (Hedwig) J. R. Spence Phytologia 2009 Disturbed soil, earth banks, rotten wood, rock, disturbed habitats low to high elevations (0-4000 m) here here
9 Gemmabryum dichotomum (Hedwig) J. R. Spence & H. P. Ramsay Phytologia 2005 Dry to moist soil, soil over rock low to high elevations (0-2000 m) here here
10 Gemmabryum subapiculatum (Hampe) J. R. Spence & H. P. Ramsay Phytologia 2005 Disturbed dry to damp soil, soil over siliceous rock, agricultural fields">here low to high elevations (0-2000 m) here
11 Gemmabryum tenuisetum (Limpricht) J. R. Spence & H. P. Ramsay Phytologia 2005 Damp to drying acidic soil low to moderate elevations (0-600 m) here here
12 Gemmabryum violaceum (Crundwell & Nyholm) J. R. Spence Phytologia 2007 Damp soil, soil over rock, disturbed sites low to moderate elevations (0-1000 m) here here
13 Imbribryum gemmiparum (De Notaris) J. R. Spence Phytologia 2007 Damp to wet calcareous soil, soil over rock, associated with springs low to high elevations (0-1800 m) here here
14 Imbribryum miniatum (Lesquereux) J. R. Spence Phytologia 2007 Damp to wet siliceous rock, soil over rock, associated with waterfalls or springs low to moderate elevations (0-1500 m) here here
15 Imbribryum muehlenbeckii (Bruch & Schimper) N. Pedersen Bryologist 2005 Damp shaded siliceous rock, soil in rock crevices, montane moderate to high elevations (500-3000 m) here here
16 Plagiobryum demissum (Hooker) Lindberg Öfvers. Kongl. Vetensk.-Akad. Förh. 1863 Moist, basic cliffs, humus soil in tundra low to high elevations (0-4200 m) here here
17 Plagiobryum zieri (Dickson ex Hedwig) Lindberg Öfvers. Kongl. Vetensk.-Akad. Förh. 1863 Ledges, crevices of moist or wet cliff faces, near waterfalls, substrates including basalt, shale, limestone low to high elevations (0-3000 m) here here
18 Ptychostomum archangelicum (Bruch & Schimper) J. R. Spence Phytologia 2005 Dry calcareous soil in arctic tundra, alpine regions to the south low to high elevations here here
19 Ptychostomum arcticum (R. Brown) J. R. Spence Phytologia 2005 Moist soil banks, wet soil low to high elevations (0-4500 m) here here
20 Ptychostomum bimum (Schreber) J. R. Spence Phytologia 2005 Wet soil, soil over rock, rock low to high elevations (0-3000 m) here here
21 Ptychostomum cernuum (Hedwig) Hornschuch Syll. Pl. Nov. 1822 Wet soil, along streams, wetlands, calcareous habitats low to high elevations (0-3000 m) here here
22 Ptychostomum creberrimum (Taylor) J. R. Spence & H. P. Ramsay Phytologia 2005 Damp to dry soil, soil over rock low to high elevations (0-3500 m) here here
23 Ptychostomum cryophilum (Mårtensson) J. R. Spence Phytologia 2005 Wet soil, rock in streams, wetlands, late melting snow beds low to high elevations (0-2000 m) here here
24 Ptychostomum cyclophyllum (Schwagrichen) J. R. Spence Phytologia 2005 Wet sandy or organic soil, along streams, wetlands low to high elevations (0-3000 m) here here
25 Ptychostomum inclinatum (Swartz ex Bridel) J. R. Spence Phytologia 2005 Capsules mature Jun-Aug. Dry soil, alpine or arctic tundra, circumpolar arctic-alpine,low to high elevations low to high elevations (0-4000 m) here here
26 Ptychostomum intermedium (Bridel) J. R. Spence Phytologia 2005 Wet soil, boreal-temperate areas moderate elevations (1000-1500 m) here here
27 Ptychostomum knowltonii (Barnes) J. R. Spence Phytologia 2005 Wet soil in arctic-alpine low to high elevations (0-4000 m) here here
28 Ptychostomum lonchocaulon (Müller Hal.) J. R. Spence Phytologia 2005 Dry to damp soil low to high elevations (0-3500 m) here here
29 Ptychostomum meesioides (Kindberg) J. R. Spence Phytologia 2005 Wet soil, along streams, wetlands, often calcareous low to high elevations (0-3000 m) here here
30 Ptychostomum neodamense (Itzigsohn) J. R. Spence Phytologia 2005 Wet soil, soil over rock, often calcareous low to high elevations (0-3000 m) here here
31 Ptychostomum pallens (Swartz) J. R. Spence Phytologia 2005 Wet soil, along streams, wetlands, calcareous low to high elevations (0-3000 m) here here
32 Ptychostomum pallescens (Schleicher ex Schwagrichen) J. R. Spence Phytologia 2005 Damp to wet soil low to high elevations (0-3300 m) here here
33 Ptychostomum pendulum Hornschuch Syll. Pl. Nov. 1822 Dry calcareous soil or rock low to high elevations (0-4000 m) here here
34 Ptychostomum pseudotriquetrum (Hedwig) J. R. Spence & H. P. Ramsay ex Holyoak & N. Pedersen J. Bryol. 2007 Wet soil, soil over rock, rock, fens low to high elevations (0-4000 m) here here
35 Ptychostomum schleicheri (Schwagrichen) J. R. Spence Phytologia 2005 Wet soil, along streams, seepy tundra slopes, late snowmelt areas low to high elevations (0-4000 m) here here
36 Ptychostomum turbinatum (Hedwig) J. R. Spence Phytologia 2005 Wet soil in calcareous wetlands low to high elevations (0-3500 m) here here
37 Ptychostomum weigelii (Sprengel) J. R. Spence Phytologia 2005 Wet soil, wetlands, along streams low to high elevations (0-3500 m) here here
38 Rhodobryum roseum (Hedwig) Limpricht Laubm. Deutschl. 1892 Rich soil, humus, litter, coastal tundra, shrublands, forests low to moderate elevations (0-300 m) here here
39 Rosulabryum canariense (Bridel) Ochyra Biodivers. Poland 2003 Moist soil banks, soil over rock low to high elevations (0-1600 m) here here
40 Rosulabryum capillare (Hedwig) J. R. Spence Bryologist 1996 Moist shaded soil, soil banks, rotting wood low to high elevations (0-2500 m) here here
41 Rosulabryum elegans (Nees) Ochyra Biodivers. Poland 2003 Calcareous rock, soil, mountains moderate to high elevations (1000-4000 m) here here
42 Rosulabryum erythroloma (Kindberg) J. R. Spence Novon 2009 Moist shaded soil, soil banks, rotting wood, lowland forests, protected sites near Pacific coast low to moderate elevations (0-500 m) here here
43 Rosulabryum gemmascens (Kindberg) J. R. Spence Novon 2009 Exposed to shaded soil, soil over rock, rotting wood low to moderate elevations (0-1000 m) here here
44 Rosulabryum laevifilum (Syed) Ochyra Biodivers. Poland 2003 Bark, rotten wood, rock, soil low to high elevations (0-2500 m) here here
45 Rosulabryum rubens (Mitten) J. R. Spence Novon 2009 Disturbed soil, concrete low to moderate elevations (0-1000 m) here here
46 Rosulabryum torquescens (Bruch ex De Notaris) J. R. Spence Bryologist 1996 Soil, rock, rotting wood low to moderate elevations (0-1500 m) here here
Publicado el marzo 1, 2024 05:28 MAÑANA por rambryum rambryum


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