Sharing your coordinates with this project

One of the great things about iNaturalist is that your observations can be used in active scientific research. One impediment to this is that iNaturalist automatically obscures the coordinates of observations of taxa listed as rare. There are 16 rare taxa associated with this project, so obscured coordinates really effect how useful those observations are. One of the most important things you can do to help this research is to share your coordinates with this project.

To share your coordinates, go to the main project page here and click on "Join this project" at the top right corner of the project banner. If you are already a member of the project, click "Your Membership".

From here you are given the option to share coordinates with the project. You will be asked "Do you want to make your private/obscured observation coordinates visible to the project curators? " Choose "Yes, no matter who adds the observation to the project." This will make your coordinates of Malacothamnus observations visible to me.

I will use these coordinates to help clarify geographic boundaries of the various taxa as well as to visit some of these populations when I have questions or need more data. Much of what I have done for my research so far couldn't have been done without all the help of the iNaturalist users who have shared their coordinates. So, thanks to all who have shared!

Publicado el agosto 4, 2019 06:35 TARDE por keirmorse keirmorse


I don't have any specific coordinates for this observation. I did find this on Mt. Diablo.

Publicado por hfabian hace alrededor de 5 años

Hi Keir, I hope the coordinates are visible now - Lech

Publicado por lechnaumovich hace alrededor de 5 años

@lechnaumovich Nope. Perhaps you checked the wrong box?

Publicado por keirmorse hace alrededor de 5 años

@keirmorse I think I got the right box now - you have to click it for each observation I think? Maybe my default is not sharing. Hope you can see it. This point should be in Mt Diablo State Park.

Publicado por lechnaumovich hace alrededor de 5 años

@ lechnaumovich That worked. Thanks!

Publicado por keirmorse hace alrededor de 5 años

I think I did what you requested but just in case: Lat 37.3975412493
Lon -122.2309485667
EditAcc (m)

Publicado por bob-dodge hace más de 4 años

@bob-dodge Didn't work, but the coordinates show it is a location I already know about. Thanks!

Publicado por keirmorse hace más de 4 años

just added my stuff i think! Im gonna head into the hills behind where i was today and look for more! shoot me a dm on instagram if it didnt work, I have trouble with the messaging service here. Thanks for great instructions!

Publicado por plantsoflacounty hace casi 4 años

@ plantsoncolors Worked great. Thanks!

Publicado por keirmorse hace casi 4 años

Hi Keir would you be able to email me. I am the Natural Resource Manager for City of San Diego . I would love to know more about your research and how we can help . MBerninger@San

Publicado por mark_b_os hace más de 3 años

@mark_b_os Will do. Thanks!

Publicado por keirmorse hace más de 3 años


Publicado por kendalloei hace alrededor de 3 años

@keirmorse Hi Keir, I am happy to join and need to update some additional records. Let me know if you are able to see the coordinates for my observations. Terry

Publicado por tgosliner hace alrededor de 3 años

@tgosliner Nope, still obscured. Did you choose "Yes, no matter who adds the observation to the project."?

Publicado por keirmorse hace alrededor de 3 años

@tgosliner Scratch that. You added a couple new ones that weren't in the project yet. It works. Thanks!

Publicado por keirmorse hace alrededor de 3 años

Hope they're visible now, let me know if further tweaking is required on my end.. Good luck with your research!

Publicado por kristenmister hace alrededor de 3 años

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