Diario del proyecto City Nature Challenge 2024: Hartford + New Haven counties

Archivos de diario de febrero 2024

12 de febrero de 2024

Looking for partners to host events for the City Nature Challenge

Happy Monday everyone,

We hope that you all have had a chance to enjoy some of the warmer weather we've been having, and spend some time outside! We got out for a short walk yesterday, and saw a large group of Common Mergansers, some American Black Ducks, and a very cute pair of Mallards who seemed to be doing a synchronized swimming routine (see pic below)!

We are starting to look for partners who would be willing to help us publicize this year's City Nature Challenge, so we can build up participation in our event. Events can be put together through an organization, or very informal, such as leading a hike for friends/family/community during the weekend of the CNC. All that is required is that someone who knows iNaturalist is able to train others on how to use the app.

If anyone here is affiliated with a nature-focused organization, we'd love to connect. We have created a gmail address for this purpose, and you can reach us here:


We also created a flyer that anyone can download, to start spreading the word. You can find that link below - please share it with other nature-lovers (and potential nature-lovers) in your community!


Thank you for your help, and we hope to hear from you soon!

Sarah (@chiforager) + Chase (@hexagonaria)

cc'ing top observers in these counties, but please forward to others who may be interested:

@ainemcmanus, @alextrouern-trend, @ali_n, @altspen, @apgarm, @apocynaceaenow, @arachphotobia, @arobey63, @bafinnan, @bobby23, @bridgetdaly, @catverde, @chiforager, @chrisstlawrence, @cink85, @codylimber, @colivia, @condrus, @cwyse, @davidreik, @debcushman, @df84, @dkaff, @dmantack, @drewdlestrudel, @ericpo1, @getawaygardens, @hexagonaria, @jackie24, @jeweledweevil, @jo1010, @jonathan, @judith300, @kellyfuerstenberg, @kimberlymj, @kristofz, @kwg555, @maddog1066, @msr042377, @pgiguere, @pinesnake, @pliantscience, @rayray, @rebeccagelernter, @rileyghostie, @rrn, @scmayo, @shin_alpha, @silvercats, @stellathejay, @steve432king, @susantheotter, @tatef, @team_bingebirder, @thebugwhisperer, @william_dornbos

Publicado el febrero 12, 2024 06:48 TARDE por chiforager chiforager | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
