Atención: Algunas o todas las identificaciones afectadas por
esta división puede haber sido reemplazada por identificaciones de Bidens. Esto
ocurre cuando no podemos asignar automáticamente una identificación a uno de los
taxa de salida.
Revisar identificaciones de Bidens pilosa 50203
Bidens pilosa (sensu lato) is split into B. pilosa (sensu stricto) and B. alba in Kew's Plants of the World Online, Weakley, and many other modern resources.
Unfortunately limited detailed info about their true global distributions is available due to the taxonomic mishmosh, but some rough atlasing was attempted based on POWO, GBIF obs not in iNat, Ballard 1986, and Weakley 2020. According to Weakley, in the southeastern United States, B. pilosa has only been reported from "NC (Kartesz 1999), perhaps based on confusion with B. alba; known from ballast in se. PA (Rhoads & Klein 1993)" (i.e. it is not known to occur in Florida). Ballard 1986 does have a dot for B. pilosa in California (page 11, Fig 17). That means that IDs of B. pilosa in Florida will be swapped over to B. alba automatically, but in California they'll be bumped back to genus.
In areas where their distributions overlap, identifications of B. pilosa will be bumped back to genus.
Bidens odorata Cav. is considered a synonym of B. pilosa on POWO and isn't treated as part of this taxon change - for that discussion, see this flag. That said, IDs of B. pilosaare going to be rolled back to genus in Mexico.
Key to identification
(from Weakley 2020 and Ballard 1986)
Bidens alba: Ray florets 5-8, the ligule 3-18 mm long; cypselas 0-2-awned, the awns 1-2 mm long; outer phyllaries (8-) 12 (-16)
Bidens pilosa: Ray florets absent (or if a few present, the ligule is only 2-3 mm long); cypselas 3 (-5)-awned, the awns 1-3 mm long; outer phyllaries 7-10
Plants of the World Online. 2020. Bidens alba (L.) DC. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Retrieved 30 September 2020.
Plants of the World Online. 2020. Bidens pilosa L. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Retrieved 30 September 2020.
Weakley, Alan S. 2020. Flora of the Southeastern United States. University of North Carolina Herbarium, North Carolina Botanical Garden, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Los desacuerdos no intencionados ocurren cuando un grupo padre (B) se adelgaza al cambiar un grupo hijo (E) a otra parte del árbol taxonómico, provocando que las Identificaciones existentes del grupo padre sean interpretados como desacuerdos con las Identificaciones existentes del grupo hijo cambiado.
La ID 2 del taxón E será un desacuerdo no intencionado con la ID 1 del taxón B después del intercambio de ancestros
Si el adelgazamiento del grupo padre provoca más de 10 desacuerdos no intencionados, deberías dividir el grupo padre después de intercambiar el grupo hijo para substituir las identificaciones existentes del grupo padre (B) con identificaciones con las que no esté en desacuerdo,
For discussion, please comment on the flag and not here on this taxon change. Thanks!