Please share your appreciation!

We are floored by the participation by the San Diego County community in this year's City Nature Challenge!

We have flown past our goals of having at least 25,000 observations (we have an astonishing 5,000 more than last year!) and 2,500 species!

We have no doubt that our busy identifiers are going to help us get to at least 75% Research Grade on our observations, too.

And speaking of our busy identifiers, you may have noticed that some of our superstar observers continue to add to the hundreds of observations that they made (with little time to upload them!) during the CNC observation period. This takes A LOT of time and dedication, and this CNC is something they, and our identifiers, continue to work on with great effort and commitment after the fun events of the weekend are over.

Please join us in thanking all of those who you notice are making an extra effort to contribute to this CNC event, and to citizen science efforts in general.

If you have a moment, please consider sending some of our above-and-beyond CNC contributors a note of appreciation. (They're easy to find in the stats section of our project page:

And from us...a huge thank you for showing up in community as enthusiastic and inspiring environmental stewards in a very big way!

Stay tuned, and keep it up!

Publicado el mayo 1, 2024 05:58 TARDE por lmarun lmarun


A huge thank you to Lisa, the Nat, and particularly to Dr. Jon Rebman for all their efforts related to the CNC.

Publicado por milliebasden hace alrededor de 1 mes

Thanks to all the organizers, Dr Rebman, and the Nat

Publicado por dhosa hace alrededor de 1 mes

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