
One of the most common bird problems is birders and photographers HARASSING OWLS. Especially i they are not facing the photographer or birders way. It could really stress the bird out and could lead to death. When I enter owls on eBird I usually enter the town I saw it in.
Just making sure nobody on iNat is harassing owls!

Publicado el marzo 8, 2019 06:12 TARDE por bluejay2007 bluejay2007


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Enero 1, 2019 a las 09:50 TARDE HST

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Tecolote Oyamelero Norteño (Aegolius acadicus)




Enero 1, 2019 a las 09:36 TARDE HST

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Enero 29, 2019 a las 03:41 TARDE HST


I don't want to put actual location as many people have been harassing these owls. Also it has a injured eye


I agree! That is why I did not pinpoint the exact location of where I saw the Burrowing Owls. I didn't even have to get out of my car to photograph them. So I was able to stay a distance. The location of the owls was given to me in confidence to protect them, so I honored that.

Publicado por azbirdsandblooms hace más de 5 años

@thatkazakhbirder @azbirdsandblooms I read an article, it was about birders harassing the endangered Short-eared Owl. Most of the time, owls are harassed for no reason. One of the birders wrote in a eBird report o a Long-eared Owl "... there is no reason to harass the bird, as I got good looks of it

Publicado por bluejay2007 hace más de 5 años

We need a like button.

Publicado por bill-blauvelt hace más de 5 años

@bill_blauvelt What do you mean?

Publicado por bluejay2007 hace más de 5 años

I like what you said, so if there was a “Like” button, like on Facebook I would use it.

Publicado por bill-blauvelt hace más de 5 años


Publicado por bluejay2007 hace más de 5 años

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