Birthday Trip Surprise

It was my birthday on October 7, 2024, and we decided to go to a resort in the mountains of Antipolo. I saw a great many insects there which really impressed me, but the highlight of this journey was really the Atlas Moth I sighted resting on a plant, having just laid its eggs, probably the night before I spotted it. I gently picked it up and I could hardly contain the cuteness aggression I got from its adorable face! Feathery antennae, chubby and fluffy body, and big eyes, moths are rea...

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Publicado el octubre 12, 2024 12:44 TARDE por rossi107 rossi107 | 1 observación

Mushroom Walks and MycoBlitz!

It's October MycoBlitz time (October 18-27) and Nature PEI is hosting events to celebrate!

Saturday, October 19th, 2024, 1:30-3PM (RAIN OR SHINE) Rosemary Curley will lead a mushroom walk at Trout River Natural Area (Carleton, 36927 Western Rd. If heading west, the location will be on your left.) Register in advance by emailing:

Sunday, October 20, 2024, 10AM-1PM (RAIN OR SHINE) Ken Sanders...

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Publicado el octubre 12, 2024 11:44 MAÑANA por ksanderson ksanderson | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Mallota glabra De Meyer et al. 2024

Genus Mallota Meigen:

  • bee-mimicking flies
  • wing: vein R4+5 sinuate; cell r1 open
  • metafemur moderately or strongly swollen, without tooth-like protuberance
  • eyes pilose (in mainland Afrotropical species), holoptic or dichoptic in males

Species known from Southern Africa: M. dasyops (South Africa, Zimbabwe); M. glabra (South Africa); M. aenigma (Zimbabwe); M. extrema (South Africa, Mozambique...

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Publicado el octubre 12, 2024 08:27 MAÑANA por traianbertau traianbertau | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Observation #6 Hum120

For this post, I observed a Pacific lion's mane jelly at Statter Harbor. I was initially watching the moon jellyfish and seals at the harbor when I started seeing lion's mane jelly as well. I noticed how the bell of the lion's mane jelly was different from the moon jelly and egg-yolk jelly. The lion's mane has a darker red color than the othe...

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Publicado el octubre 12, 2024 07:57 MAÑANA por lukecvlo lukecvlo | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario



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Publicado el octubre 12, 2024 07:48 MAÑANA por goose_way goose_way | 68 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

October 11th, 2024

October 11th, 2024

This is a plant I’ve always heard about; one I’d definitely keep in mind if I ever got hurt while out in the wilderness. I usually think of it as a nuisance when I’m trying to keep my lawn looking as neat as my neighbors in the summer, but I should really give it more credit. With all it has to offer, I might even cut d...

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Publicado el octubre 12, 2024 07:28 MAÑANA por kingfisher-lee kingfisher-lee | 1 observación | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario


My observation this week was an American Black Bear (Ursus Americanus), also known as the Alaskan Raccoon. This one had broken into a van downtown. American Black Bears are widely distributed across the US and are a very adaptable species. They are the smallest bear found in North America. They are generally black with a tan snout, although cinnamon and brown black bears are seen, most commonly in British Columbia and Alaska (New Hampshire PBS). Black bears are omnivores, but their diet ...

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Publicado el octubre 12, 2024 06:47 MAÑANA por callahanjfc callahanjfc | 1 observación | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

This week I was on a little hike on the Lost Lake trail, where I discovered the five-leaf dwarf bramble. It caught my eye because it was growing down like a vine and I didn’t think I had ever seen the plant before. I was able to figure out that the plant is the five-leaf dwarf bramble from the suggested plants on iNaturalist, and viewing pictures of other observations of the species. The Alaska Berry blog explains that in Alaska the plant is found along southern Alaska and that it has a ...

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Publicado el octubre 12, 2024 06:36 MAÑANA por tshuett tshuett | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Ripple Effects

In August I received a message from Kevin Liam a Insect Collection Manager at Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh, PA who had a strong interest in one of the moths we saw at the sheets for this trip as its from a group that he studies, but does not appear to be a described species

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Publicado el octubre 12, 2024 06:01 MAÑANA por damontighe damontighe | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

10/11 偷跑成員


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Publicado el octubre 12, 2024 05:48 MAÑANA por jimmy406 jimmy406 | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

I found some Skunk cabbage on a walk, they are all around campus and I first learned about it when I started school here. This summer was my first summer in Juneau and I could definitely smell the skunk cabbage every so often so I always found the plant very interesting but I don’t know much about it. Skunk cabbage (Lysichiton americanus) have leaves that can grow to “135 centimeters long and 80 centimeters wide and are the largest of any native plant in the region” (Sudan). Skunk cabbag...

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Publicado el octubre 12, 2024 05:43 MAÑANA por hacrawford2 hacrawford2 | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Hey all,
While taking myself on a walk around the UAS campus between classes I came across this cluster of what I believe to be Snow White Crust mushrooms, or Plicatura nivea (Snow-White Crust). Typically when doing these write ups iNaturalist has most of the information that I am looking for and has my main source, however this time this was not the case and i struggled to find any good information. It seems as though most Snow White Crust Fungi are observed growing from the months ...

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Publicado el octubre 12, 2024 04:37 MAÑANA por izakm izakm | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Harris Scientific Reserve walk with the Canterbury Botanical Society

From the Ashburton District Council website-

The Harris Scientific Reserve, is a Council own conservation plots which is managed by the Ashburton Community Conservation Trust (ACCT). The ACCT was set up by Forest and Bird Ashburton to help foster conservation initiative at the grassroo...

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Publicado el octubre 12, 2024 04:36 MAÑANA por katrina_muir katrina_muir | 18 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

As the seasons begin to change here in Juneau it is becoming increasingly harder to find a specimen to report on. However, luckily while out and about I was able to find some fireweed! In my experience with this species, they are used mainly as backdrops for pictures and are one of the attractions to Juneau. They can even grow to be as tall if not taller than five feet which is what I can gather from standing in the middle of a field of them and being too short to see over their tops!

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Publicado el octubre 12, 2024 04:30 MAÑANA por ela49524 ela49524 | 1 observación | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario (Week 7)

After classes on Wednesday, I wanted to go to a beach to see if I could find any critters before going to work as a way to decompress and recenter myself to prepare for the rest of the week. Luckily enough for me, I did come across some critters, one of my favorites being the moonglow anemones (Anthopleura artemisia). Some people also know them for their name common name which is a burrowing anemone. This name is very fitting because that is what they do. They burrow themselves in rocks,...

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Publicado el octubre 12, 2024 03:19 MAÑANA por gnangeletti gnangeletti | 1 observación | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

thebeachcombers guide & other useful guides

thebeachcomber's guide to iNaturalist on ALA

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Publicado el octubre 12, 2024 01:19 MAÑANA por nyoni-pete nyoni-pete | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario

Backyard Bugs!

Life gets busy but spending some time in the backyard looking for bugs felt good! One of my daughters helped point out a few common finds and I hit the volleyball with her for a few minutes too. I was surprised to find a robin's nest with two unhatched eggs. Each egg did have a small hole in them so something must have eaten them when they didn't hatch, or possibly ate them causing them not to hatch.

I also set up the bird feeders for the winter. It took only minutes for blue...

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Publicado el octubre 12, 2024 12:38 MAÑANA por daughterdad daughterdad | 10 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Sugerencias para cuidar mejor del medio ambiente

Todos tenemos el poder de hacer daño o de cuidar el medio ambiente. Eso va a depender de nosotros y de nuestras acciones. No obstante, muchas personas hacen daño al medio ambiente sin saberlo y es importante concientizar la gente y dar a conocer qué acciones pueden ayudar. Por eso, te dejo algunas sugerencias para cuidar mejor del medio ambiente. También verás cómo se está haciendo a nivel colectivo.

  1. Reducir, Reutilizar y Reciclar: minimiza el consumo, da una s...

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Publicado el octubre 11, 2024 11:57 TARDE por kevinjdf kevinjdf | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Resultados nacionais - não oficiais

🌟 A Grande Grande Biobusca do Hemisfério Sul fechou oficialmente a segunda 7 de outubro e os resultados do Brasil foram muito bons, ao compará-lo com os resultados de 2023!

🏅🏅🏅 O projeto da mesorregião Vale do Itajaí (Santa Catarina) conquistou as três medalhas de ouro no ranqueamento brasileiro e de Abya Yala (outro nome para as Américas) 🌎, nos quesitos que são avaliados internacionalmente: Quantidade de Observações, Quantidade de espécies registradas e identificadas e Quantida...

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Publicado el octubre 11, 2024 11:33 TARDE por liuid liuid | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Resultados nacionais - não oficiais

🌟 A Grande Grande Biobusca do Hemisfério Sul fechou oficialmente a segunda 7 de outubro e os resultados do Brasil foram muito bons, ao compará-lo com os resultados de 2023!

🏅🏅🏅 O projeto da mesorregião Vale do Itajaí (Santa Catarina) conquistou as três medalhas de ouro no ranqueamento brasileiro e de Abya Yala (outro nome para as Américas) 🌎, nos quesitos que são avaliados internacionalmente: Quantidade de Observações, Quantidade de espécies registradas e identificadas e Quantida...

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Publicado el octubre 11, 2024 11:28 TARDE por liuid liuid | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario

B Gall Hosts

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Black Horehound (B. nigra)

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Publicado el octubre 11, 2024 10:28 TARDE por a_emmerson a_emmerson | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

A history of iNaturalist use in Australia

"iNaturalist is one of the most popular biodiversity citizen science platforms globally, with more than 1.4 million users having contributed over 54 million observations. Australia is the top contributing nation in the southern hemisphere, and in the top four contributing nations globally, with over 1.6 million observations of over 36 000 identified species contributed by almost 27 000 users."

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Publicado el octubre 11, 2024 09:34 TARDE por parks818 parks818 | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Desafio iNaturalist: "Árvores da Memória Urbana"

Porto Alegre e Região Metropolitana-RS.
Outubro 11, 2024

Vem aí o Desafio iNaturalist: "Árvores de Memória Urbana-POA", que ocorrerá de 14 a 18 de Outubro de 2024, durante a 21a. Semana Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia, cujo tema deste ano " Biodiversidade, Saberes e Tecnologias sociais" reposiciona a sociobiodiversidade no centro da estratégia de desenvolvimento nacional sustentável, negligenciada por governos anteriores. Convide outros iNaturalistas e não iNaturalistas p...

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Publicado el octubre 11, 2024 09:14 TARDE por juliodk juliodk

Seed addition after disturbance improves restoration outcomes

Active versus passive restoration:
"Seed addition was more effective if the original vegetation was first removed using herbicide, burning and tilling."

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Publicado el octubre 11, 2024 09:09 TARDE por parks818 parks818 | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

St. Andrews Campus Hike

Today I walked around my highschool boarding school campus with my best friend from home. I had gone home for the weekend to visit her and we went back to our old school to walk through the trails there and try our best to find fungi on campus. We walked on this trail/hike for around 30-50 minutes. The weather was nice a little chilly but mostly sunny. I had a difficult time finding different types of fungi besides mushrooms. Those seemed to be the most common. I think that does show the...

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Publicado el octubre 11, 2024 08:41 TARDE por lanamburu lanamburu | 5 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

2nd Nature Walk: Theme = FUNGI!

For my second nature walk I walked around the Newton Woods with a couple of friends, and also explored areas past the Boston College Newton campus as well. I walked the path of the trail in the Newton woods, and I also walked around the forest across from the soccer field. The weather today was quite cold. I did start my around around 11:50AM, so I was expecting it to be a little bit more chilly than usual. There was a strong breeze, but it was nice when the sun hit. I saw a lot of thing...

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Publicado el octubre 11, 2024 08:31 TARDE por badrank badrank | 7 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Fungus Nature Walk

For this nature walk I went to Hammond Park Reserve on a beautiful, sunny fall afternoon. I started the walk walking slowly, looking on the ground for any fungus among all the dead organic material. I had no success with this approach. I eventually realized that I could more easily find fungus by looking on tree stumps and dead trees. This makes sense because fungi are heterotrophs that consume dead organic material, such as the tree stumps. With this approach, I saw several types of fun...

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Publicado el octubre 11, 2024 08:26 TARDE por kaelfoudray kaelfoudray | 6 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Texas Pollinator Bioblitz and Mothing

TPWD's Texas Pollinator Bioblitz begins today (Oct 11)! A great excuse (as if we need one) to go mothing. Learn more here: iNat project is here:

This month The Moth Posse has some...

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Publicado el octubre 11, 2024 08:23 TARDE por rednat rednat | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Nature walk : Fungi

As I was walking around campus looking for bits of fungi that could possibly be near , I found it very difficult to encounter fungi. I withnessed a few green spots on rocks and trees but where conflicted on weather it’s fungi or algae. I ended up finding mushrooms on the grass which I knew were clearly fungi and decided to capture that.

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Publicado el octubre 11, 2024 08:12 TARDE por ardisco ardisco | 3 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario