Plantae pre-mavericks for the Western Cape

Thanks to @jeanphilippeb I have a dedicated URL to chew thru.

UPDATE 26 March - Planty pre-Mavericks for the Western Cape are done. Went right back about 10 years, including the glitches from moving away from iSpot to iNat.

UPDATE 25 February - I have chewed thru the planty pre-Mavericks for the Cape Peninsula.

I started on 2 February with 4140 obs.
Since these broad planty IDs are constantly added, running as fast as I can, chews that total down ... oh so slowly.
11 Feb 3660 obs at midday.

iNat let's us see our mavericks. But that is too little, too late. Tidying up AFTER trusted identifiers battled with my Wrong ID.

But pre-mavericks link, let's dedicated identifiers catch an obs when @mentioning, withdrawing mine, or informed agreeing with the better ID - can pre-empt piling up IDs to tip it from a broad and unhelpful ID (since taxon specialists can't filter for their taxon of choice) to filterable, or even Research Grade.

You can use the project
to ID for your own chosen taxon / location.

Publicado el febrero 11, 2023 12:29 TARDE por dianastuder dianastuder


For populating the Pre-Maverick project, I checked in particular all observations in Southern Africa that have a Community Taxon at the rank Tribe or above, identified as plants, and that "needs id". In other words, all observations resulting from this search have been checked (some days ago, and only once) for Pre-Maverick:,8489,7140,6986&quality_grade=needs_id&identifications=some_agree

As a consequence, S.A. is presently better represented in the project than any other place.

If someone would like to check the pre-mavericks in some selection of observations in particular, tell me for instance the location and the taxon you would like to target, for inclusion in the project.

If someone would like to check the pre-mavericks in their observations, I can add them all to the project.

If someone would like to check their pre-mavericks identifications for other people, I can give you a software that will generate a detailed report with all your pre-mavericks identifications (or I can generate the report for you, if you prefer).

Publicado por jeanphilippeb hace más de 1 año

I had to narrow down Southern Africa to the Western Cape for my own IDs, as I don't do the rest of Southern Africa.

Publicado por dianastuder hace más de 1 año

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