The Second McLaren Bio-blitz - April 16

Hey friends! I'll be headed up to the McLaren Bio-Blitz this Saturday. Wanted to see who might want to join me early for birding, from 7:00 to 10:00, when we'll head into the Bio-Blitz HQ and join the regular show! Please invite others to participate here. Perhaps we can plan a post-blitz meal/happy hour, or a late-night moth lamp to add to the festivities!

Jennifer (a.k.a. gyrrlfalcon)

@leslie_flint , @robberfly, @rebeccafay , @kestrel , @loarie, @kueda , @kschnei , @bob-dodge , @kensanfran , @rademacherdan , @marshalldinowitz , @finatic , @jaykeller , @leftcoastnaturalist , @wildmarin

Publicado el abril 11, 2016 11:44 TARDE por gyrrlfalcon gyrrlfalcon


Sounds like fun, but I'm already booked on a bioblitz myself.

Publicado por finatic hace más de 8 años

I'll be there

Publicado por leslie_flint hace más de 8 años

Yay! I will see about early, but I'm in for lunch/dinner.

Publicado por rebeccafay hace más de 8 años

So, folks, @leslie_flint and I will be at the June Jordan School spot ca. 7:00 am for some early morning birding prior to the official start. Private message me if you want my cell phone number

Publicado por gyrrlfalcon hace más de 8 años

D'oh. Sorry to miss it. I was wrestling with the Tax Man, and he wasn't as cool as George Harrison.

Publicado por wildmarin hace más de 8 años

@wildmarin - BioBlitz at Pt. Reyes Station this Saturday...

Publicado por gyrrlfalcon hace más de 8 años

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