Second Feast

February 27, 2024
Walking Latigo, Whiskey Bottle, and 118th Street trails today I noticed there was an association between horse manure and rabbit pellets; at eight out of twelve recent piles of horse manure there was a large number of rabbit pellets. Far fewer rabbit pellets were found on trails by themselves, usually less than five in a 3 sq ft area. In contrast, where horse manure was present there are dozens of pellets within one foot of the manure suggesting the bunnies are coprophagist. The rabbits are likely taking advantage of the partially digested grass and alfalfa in horse manure even though new plant growth is readily available from both native and invasive plants in the surrounding landscape. One question remains unanswered: "Are the rabbits only benefiting from the partially digested horse feed? Or do they get more out of it?" Most horses are treated with Ivermectin, an anti-parasite medication used to treat parasitic diseases and a variety of parasitic infections including round worms, tapeworms, large strongyles, small strongyles, pinworms, threadworms, and stomach bots (
Question for chemists: Is there enough Ivermectin residue in the feces to be passed to the rabbits?
Question for biologists: Would rabbits show a preference for one pile or another if they are presented with horse manure from treated versus untreated horses?

Publicado el febrero 27, 2024 05:29 TARDE por h85266_saguaros h85266_saguaros


Fotos / Sonidos


Conejo del Desierto (Sylvilagus audubonii)




Febrero 27, 2024 a las 07:38 MAÑANA MST


See journal post regarding association of horse and rabbit manure.


I can't answer your questions, but I've seen this in the McDowells, too. My understanding is that rabbits are inefficient digesters and will cycle their own pellets through again. Horse manure must look like a smorgasbord to them.

Publicado por stevejones hace 5 meses

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