Hares were used mainly for their fur, such as line shoes and robes in Alaska. They were also used as a food source but mainly used if food was scarce. Hare skulls and feet were seen as good luck charms; their value depended on their culture and the abundance of them in the area. Some believed that hare fur if burned, would cause rain.

My experiences with hares are minimal as I only see them from afar because they usually run away at any movement. I could only get these photos of hares because they were eating, and I stayed far away from them. My camera was on maximum zoom when I took the close-up shot. Anyway, most hares I see are in the town of Wasilla; they usually are in the ditch on the side of the road. They typically stay in the dich, eating or heading back in the woods. I once petted a hare at the fair. That was the closest I've ever got to one.

The biology of hares is fascinating as they are herbivores, meaning they eat plants for their nutrients. That also means there are prey, so they get eaten by other animals called carnivores. They are also known for their ability to reproduce; this caused overpopulation in some areas, lacking a proper predator to thin their numbers. They are small, have short hair, and have long front teeth. They don't burrow, but they use natural shelters to rest. They also use their powerful back legs for running and jumping. The ability of the hares to survive such harsh conditions is truly unique.

I don't know what the hares were doing there or where they came from, but one thing is for sure: they didn't seem domesticated. They were eye-balling me the whole time I took their photos and were ready to take off immediately. Maybe they escaped and have been living off the land ever since.


Publicado el septiembre 6, 2023 10:44 TARDE por hannahbanana05 hannahbanana05


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