Accumulated Methods of Rearing Gall Forming Larvae

This post is devoted to accumulating methods for rearing local gallformers I am interested in.

POWELL and POVOLNY: Gnorimoschemine Moths from California (2001)
in Holarctic Lepidoptera, Sep 1, 2001, v. 8, suppl. 1
Gnorimoschemine Moths of Coastal Dune and Scrub Habitats in California (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae)
[I have pdf]

Larval rearing.- In the lab, larvae were confined with clippings of the host plants in 7 x 5" (ca. 17.5 x 12.5cm) plastic boxes or 12 x 18" (30 x 45cm) polyethylene bags, lined with paper toweling. Each collection (single date, site, and plant species) was given a date-based lot number (e.g., 77F2 was the 2nd collection in June 1977). In total, we report larval food records for Gnorimoschemini from about 170 collections representing 25 of the 35 species discussed here. About 35 of these collections were made by J. A. De Benedictis and others at San Bruno Mountain, and were previously reported (De Benedictiset al., 1990), some with only generic or tentative species identifications,which are clarified in our synonymies.
Publicado el febrero 6, 2023 05:37 TARDE por hkibak hkibak


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