
My observation of a bombylius isn't research grade but this is an interesting fly.
The bombylius, also called a bee fly, is a bee mimic and resembles bumblebees. The thing that is most interesting about the bee fly is what is does with its eggs. The female uses her hind legs to flick eggs toward or into the nests of digger bees and other bee and insect nests. The bee fly seems to have a preference for diggers bees like the ones that we saw on campus. When the larva hatch they are a parasitoid and pray on the larva of the digger bee. They will also consume any of the food provided for the digger bee larva.

Failing to find a place suitable to flick its larva the bee fly will deposit its eggs in a location, usually on flowers, that other pollinators frequent in the hopes that the eggs can hitch a ride back to the nest of the prey species.

The bee fly is mean looking with its long proboscis but it is not a stinger. The long proboscis is used for feeding in a similar way to humming birds. In its adult stage bombylius feed on nectar.

Publicado el marzo 20, 2014 04:17 MAÑANA por lugefool lugefool


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Marzo 16, 2014


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