First Nature Walk

My nature walk was one that has been right next to my dorm and I have been meaning to go and this was my opportunity. I started off noticing a lot of chipmunks which I already put down for my test run post so I wanted to spice up my observations. As I went deeper into the woods I noticed a stream and saw many small bug flying around it. One in particular was the crane fly. When I was a child (and maybe into adulthood) I was terrified of crane flies for some reason. It was something about their legs. I was so terrified I did research to find out the name and now I can identify them in the wild. The rest of the walk didn't yield much besides trees which were beautiful but I don't really know the names of many trees and how to identify them besides birch but I couldn't find any. When I was in my slump I decided to take a picture of this squirrel as well as the mushroom. Afterwards as i was walking I noticed this patch of moist loose dirt which I know is the prime place to find earthworms. This is because of the many times as a kid I would search for them in my backyard. Sure enough one was barely under the surface. My last observation was almost out of desperation because I couldn't find anything so I decided to check out knocked down trees because I know many decomposers and other insects love them. As I pulled back some back I saw this larva and after looking it up I found it to possibly be the hermit flower beetle larva. If not it is some other type of wood grub.
The day was beautiful for a nature walk and I observed a lot of life.

Publicado el septiembre 29, 2021 09:06 TARDE por millscf millscf


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Típulas, Zancudos Gigantes Y Parientes (Infraorden Tipulomorpha)




Septiembre 29, 2021 a las 03:27 TARDE EDT

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Ardilla Gris de Las Carolinas (Sciurus carolinensis)




Septiembre 29, 2021 a las 03:29 TARDE EDT

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Hongos con Láminas (Orden Agaricales)




Septiembre 29, 2021 a las 03:48 TARDE EDT

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Lombriz de Tierra Europea (Lumbricus terrestris)




Septiembre 29, 2021 a las 03:55 TARDE EDT

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Septiembre 29, 2021 a las 04:17 TARDE EDT


I found a grub of the hermit flower beetle it looks like


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