Crotons of the Trans-Pecos

Unless otherwise stated, plants lack silvery scale-like hairs, have entire leaves, and have five sepals. Click on the species names to go to the species page.

1. Shrubs

See also Croton bigbendensis and C. pottsii var. thermophilus.

Croton fruticulosus: Leaves ovate and a somewhat bright green on upper surface, minutely serrated marginally.

Photo credit Chuck Sexton:
Photo credit Nathan Taylor:

Croton incanus: Leaves oblong; plants growing along and near the Rio Grande, SE Brewster Co. and east.

Photo credit Justin Quintanilla:

Croton suaveolens: Leaves ovate, broadly elliptical, or obovate, greyish green on upper surface; plants monoecious growing in the Davis Mountains.

Photo credit Cullen Hanks:

Croton sancti-lazari: Leaves ovate to elliptic-ovate, plants dioecious and growing in desert mountains and canyons.

Photo credit University of Texas Herbarium (TEX-LL):

2. Herbaceous perennials

Croton dioicus: Plants with silvery scale-like hairs, typically compact, subshrubby; leaves typically broader than linear-lanceolate.

Photo credit Nathan Taylor: and

Croton bigbendensis: Plants with silvery scale-like hairs, typically bushy; leaves averaging longer than C. dioicus and often becoming narrowly oblong to even linear-lanceolate.

Photo credit Kenneth Bader:

Croton pottsii: Plants without silvery scale-like hairs
Croton pottsii var. pottsii: Stems not much branched, straight, and erect, completely herbaceous; leaves usually acute; common and widespread.

Photo credit Chuck Sexton:
Photo credit Ellen Hildebrandt:

Croton pottsii var. thermophilus: Stems much branched, zig-zaging, and spreading with age, aboveground stems often persistant; leaves typically blunt and smaller than var. pottsii; plants restricted to hot desert locations in calcareous soil or rock in south Trans-Pecos Texas.

Photo credit Sam Kieschnick:

3. Herbaceous annuals

Croton glandulosus: Leaves serrated.

Photo credit Nathan Taylor:

Croton monanthogynus: Number style branches 4.

Photo credit Sam Kieschnick:
Photo credit Nathan Taylor:

Croton lindheimerianus: Number of style branches 6.

Photo credit Richard Reynolds:

Croton texensis: Plants with silvery scale-like hairs, primarily found in sand dunes.

Photo credit Sam Kieschnick:
Photo credit Sam Kieschnick:

Croton lindheimeri: Sepals 6, all incurved, only one record probably introduced with a bale of hay.

No photo

Reference: Powell, A.M. and R.D. Worthington. in press. Flowering Plants of the Trans-Pecos and Adjacent Areas.

Publicado el enero 18, 2018 08:38 TARDE por nathantaylor nathantaylor


Wonderful guide. Thank you.

Publicado por sonnia hace más de 6 años

I suppose I should just go ahead and learn the South and East Texas species and put it all together in a nice guide to Texas. Though, I probably ought to put together a Texas guide to Chamesyce first. If I don't, people might start thinking I'm a Croton expert! ;-)

Publicado por nathantaylor hace más de 6 años

I think people already think that you are a Croton expert! Thanks for sharing this wonderful resource.

Publicado por suz hace más de 6 años

Excellent, excellent, excellent — bookmarked!

Publicado por sambiology hace más de 6 años

Also, tagging these folks to make sure that they see it too:
@gcwarbler @connlindajo @ellen5

Publicado por sambiology hace más de 6 años

Thanks @sambiology.

@nathantaylor7583 You ARE the expert! Looking forward to those guides you eventually publish about all things Euphorbiaceae in Texas...
(Was wondering where C. lindheimerii was, until I got to the end....
:-/ Globalization.

Publicado por connlindajo hace más de 6 años

I rely on Nathan for most EVERYthing

Publicado por ellen5 hace más de 6 años

I guess I ought to add iNat photos to these more often! Between Facebook and here, I've gotten a lot more positive responses/likes than I have on the others. Thanks guys!

Publicado por nathantaylor hace más de 6 años

Very helpful thank you!

Publicado por cwhiting hace alrededor de 5 años

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