A checklist of the Psylloidea of Canada

The Canadian psyllid fauna is often lumped together with the USA fauna in checklists, and at least 354 species of psyllids are currently known to occur in the region consisting of the United States and Canada. However, many of the species found in the lower USA do not occur in Canada, and so a more focused regional checklist felt necessary to better understand the Canadian fauna. Herein I list the 119 species which are currently known to occur in Canada, but undoubtedly there are many undocumented species which likely also occur within the country.

14 species are considered to be non-native to the region; introduced species are listed in italics. Species not known to occur outside of Canada are listed in bold. Provinces in which a species has been recorded are listed with the westmost province first and then continue from west to east. The host plant (if known) is recorded following the distribution.

A printer-friendly PDF version of this list can be accessed here.




Aphalara confusa Caldwell, 1937 (AB). Rumex
Aphalara curta Caldwell, 1937 (AB). Polygonum/Persicaria
Aphalara dentata Caldwell, 1937 (AB).
Aphalara loca Caldwell, 1937 (AB, MB). Polygonum/Persicaria
Aphalara manitobaensis Caldwell, 1938 (AB, MB).
Aphalara monticola Hodkinson, 1973 (AB). Rumex
Aphalara nigra Caldwell, 1937 (MB).
Aphalara nubifera Patch, 1912 (AB). Rumex
Aphalara persicaria Caldwell, 1937 (BC). Polygonum/Persicaria
Aphalara rumicis Mally, 1894 (BC, NS). Rumex
Aphalara steironemicola Richards, 1970 (ON). Lysimachia


Craspedolepta angustipennis (Crawford, 1911) (YT, BC, AB, SK, ON, QC). Achillea
Craspedolepta canadensis Journet & Vickery, 1979 (BC, SK, ON). Artemisia
Craspedolepta flavida (Caldwell, 1938) (AB, SK, MB, ON, QC). Euthamia
Craspedolepta fumida (Caldwell, 1938) (BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, NS). Solidago
Craspedolepta furcata (Caldwell, 1936) (BC, AB, MB, NB, NS). Euthamia
Craspedolepta gutierreziae (Klyver, 1931) (AB). Guiterrezia
Craspedolepta maculipilosa Journet & Vickery, 1979 (AB, SK).
Craspedolepta magna Journet & Vickery, 1979 (AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, NS, PE). Solidago
Craspedolepta minutissima (Crawford, 1911) (BC). Artemisia
Craspedolepta nebulosa (Zetterstedt, 1828) (YT, BC, NT, AB, MB, ON, QC). Chamaenerion
Craspedolepta nota Journet & Vickery, 1979 (AB, MB).
Craspedolepta ochracea (Provancher, 1872) (QC). Solidago
Craspedolepta parvula Journet & Vickery, 1979 (AB, SK, QC, NB). Solidago
Craspedolepta schwarzi (Ashmead, 1904) (BC, AB). Chamaenerion
Craspedolepta scurra Journet & Vickery, 1979 (QC, NS). Solidago
Craspedolepta sonchi (Foerster, 1848) (AB, SK, MB, ON). Sonchus
Craspedolepta subpunctata (Foerster, 1848) (YT, BC, AB, SK, MB, ON). Chamaenerion
Craspedolepta vancouverensis (Klyver, 1931) (BC, AB). Artemisia
Craspedolepta veaziei (Patch, 1911) (BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, NS). Solidago
Craspedolepta vulgaris (Journet & Vickery, 1979) (BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, NS, PE). Solidago



Rhinocola aceris (Linnaeus, 1758) (ON, PE). Acer



Ctenarytaina eucalypti (Maskell, 1890) (BC). Eucalyptus




Calophya triozomima Schwarz, 1904 (AB, ON). Rhus




Pachypsylla celtidismamma (Fletcher, 1883) (SK, MB, ON, QC). Celtis
Pachypsylla celtidisvesicula Riley, 1884 (ON, QC). Celtis
Pachypsylla cohabitans Yang & Riemann 2001 (ON). Celtis




Psyllopsis discrepans (Flor, 1861) (AB, ON, NS). Fraxinus
Psyllopsis fraxini (Linné, 1758) (BC). Fraxinus
Psyllopsis fraxinicola (Foerster, 1848) (BC, NS). Fraxinus



Livia bifasciata Provancher, 1886 (ON, QC, NB). Juncus
Livia caricis Crawford, 1914 (BC). Carex
Livia crawfordi Hodkinson & Bird, 2000 (ON). Juncus
Livia maculipennis (Fitch, 1857) (ON). Juncus
Livia manitobensis Hodkinson & Bird, 2000 (MB, NB). Carex
Livia saltatrix Provancher, 1886 (ON, QC, NB). Carex
Livia vernalis Fitch, 1851 (ON, QC). Carex



Neophyllura arbuti (Schwarz, 1904) (BC). Arbutus
Neophyllura arctostaphyli (Schwarz, 1904) (BC, NB). Arctostaphylos




Arytaina genistae (Latreille, 1804) (BC, NS). Cytisus


Arytainilla spartiophila (Foerster, 1848) (BC). Cytisus


Cacopsylla alaskensis (Ashmead, 1904) (MB). Salix
Cacopsylla alba (Crawford, 1914) (AB). Salix
Cacopsylla americana (Crawford, 1914) (AB, NS?). Salix
Cacopsylla annulata (Fitch, 1851) (ON, QC, NB, NS). Acer
Cacopsylla arctica (Walker, 1852) (ON). Salix
Cacopsylla breviata (Patch, 1912) (ON). Salix
Cacopsylla fatsiae (Jensen, 1957) (BC). Fatsia
Cacopsylla fibulata (Crawford, 1914) (AB). Salix
Cacopsylla hamata (Tuthill, 1944) (AB). Salix
Cacopsylla highwoodensis (Hodkinson, 1978) (AB). Salix
Cacopsylla kananaskensis (Hodkinson, 1976) (AB). Salix
Cacopsylla latiforceps (Tuthill, 1943) (BC). Salix
Cacopsylla magnicauda (Crawford, 1914) (BC, AB, SK, MB). Eleagnus
Cacopsylla mali (Schmidberger, 1836) (QC, NL, NB, NS, PE). Malus
Cacopsylla minor (Crawford, 1914) (BC, AB). Salix
Cacopsylla myrtilli (Wagner, 1947) (AB). Vaccinium
Cacopsylla negundinis (Mally, 1894) (AB, NB). Acer
Cacopsylla parallela (Crawford, 1914) (BC). Salix
Cacopsylla peregrina (Foerster, 1848) (BC, NL, NS). Crataegus
Cacopsylla pyricola (Foerster, 1848) (BC, QC, NS). Pyrus
Cacopsylla rara (Tuthill, 1944) (AB, NS). Viburnum
Cacopsylla rufipennis Hodkinson, 1978 (AB). Salix
Cacopsylla sinuata Crawford, 1914 (AB, MB, ON, NL). Salix
Cacopsylla stricklandi (Caldwell, 1939) (BC, AB). Shepherdia
Cacopsylla subspiculata (Hodkinson, 1976) (AB). Salix
Cacopsylla tuthilli (Caldwell, 1939) (AB). Shepherdia


Ceanothia fuscipennis (Crawford, 1914) (BC). Ceanothus
Ceanothia robusta (Crawford, 1914) (BC). Ceanothus


Livilla variegata (Löw, 1881) (BC, NL). Laburnum


Psylla alni (Linné, 1758) (BC, AB). Alnus
Psylla betulae (Linné, 1758) (AB). Betula
Psylla carpinicola Crawford, 1914 (ON, QC, NB, NS). Carpinus
Psylla caudata Crawford, 1914 (BC). Alnus
Psylla diloncha (Caldwell, 1938) (AB). Corylus
Psylla floccosa Patch, 1909 (BC, AB, MB, ON, NB, NS). Alnus
Psylla hartigii (Flor, 1861) (AB, NS). Betula
Psylla striata (Patch, 1911) (BC, AB, NB, NS). Betula
Psylla viridescens (Provancher, 1872) (BC, SK, MB, ON, QC, NB, NS). Alnus


Purshivora coryli (Patch, 1912) (BC). Purshia
Purshivora minuta (Crawford, 1914) (BC). Purshia
Purshivora pubescens (Crawford, 1914) (BC). Purshia


Spanioneura buxi (Linné, 1758) (BC, ON, QC, NL, NB, NS, PE). Buxus
Spanioneura fonscolombii Foerster, 1848 (ON). Buxus
Spanioneura sanguinea (Provancher, 1872) (BC, AB, MB, ON, QC, NL, NB, NS). Prunus



Bactericera arbolensis (Crawford, 1910) (SK). Shepherdia
Bactericera cockerelli (Šulc, 1909) (BC, AB, SK, ON). Solanaceae (many genera)
Bactericera incerta (Tuthill, 1943) (BC). Salix
Bactericera maculipennis (Crawford, 1910) (AB). Convolvulus
Bactericera minuta (Crawford, 1910) (AB). Salix
Bactericera pletschi (Tuthill, 1944) (AB).
Bactericera salicivora (Reuter, 1876) (BC, AB, ON, NB). Salix
Bactericera shepherdiae (Tuthill, 1938) (YT, BC, AB). Shepherdia
Bactericera varians (Crawford, 1910) (BC, AB). Salix


Heterotrioza chenopodii (Reuter, 1876) (BC, AB, NB, NS, PE). Chenopodium


Lauritrioza alacris (Flor, 1861) (BC). Laurus


Neotriozella pyrifolii (Forbes, 1885) (ON, NS). Styrax


Phylloplecta occidentalis (Tuthill, 1939) (BC). Rubus
Phylloplecta stylifera (Patch, 1912) (MB, ON).
Phylloplecta tripunctata (Fitch, 1851) (ON, QC, NB). Rubus


Trioza albifrons Crawford, 1910 (BC, AB). Urtica
Trioza aylmeriae Patch, 1912 (ON). Amelanchier
Trioza forcipula Patch, 1912 (ON).
Trioza frontalis Crawford, 1910 (BC, AB, MB). Amelanchier
Trioza inversa Tuthill, 1939 (BC). Amelanchier
Trioza obtusa Patch, 1911 (AB, ON, NB, NL, NS). Amelanchier
Trioza quadripunctata Crawford, 1910 (BC, AB). Urtica
Trioza sulcata Crawford, 1910 (AB). Amelanchier
Trioza longicornis* Crawford, 1910 (BC). Salix?

Host plants

The host plant genera for Canadian Psylloidea are listed, followed by the number of species known from that host. Some genera are grouped together based on recent changes in plant taxonomy that make it difficult to understand historical host plant records, or by a tendency of certain psyllid species groups to use multiple related genera of plants. Of the 44 host plant genus or genus groups known to be associated with psyllids in Canada, 21 of them are host to more than one species.

Salix (20)
Euthamia/Solidago (9)
Amelanchier (5)
Shepherdia/Eleagnus (5)
Alnus (4)
Carex (4)
Rumex (4)
Acer (3)
Artemisia (3)
Betula (3)
Celtis (3)
Chamaenerion (3)
Fraxinus (3)
Juncus (3)
Polygonum/Persicaria (3)
Purshia (3)
Buxus (2)
Ceanothus (2)
Cytisus (2)
Rubus (2)
Urtica (2)
Achillea (1)
Arbutus (1)
Arctostaphylos (1)
Carpinus (1)
Chenopodium (1)
Convolvulus (1)
Corylus (1)
Crataegus (1)
Eucalyptus (1)
Fatsia (1)
Guiterrezia (1)
Laburnum (1)
Laurus (1)
Lysimachia (1)
Malus (1)
Prunus (1)
Pyrus (1)
Rhus (1)
Solanaceae (many genera) (1)
Sonchus (1)
Styrax (1)
Vaccinium (1)
Viburnum (1)

Publicado el julio 3, 2022 01:31 MAÑANA por psyllidhipster psyllidhipster


Hi Chris, Just a note that the Canadian fauna was updated in the Checklist of Hemiptera of Canada and Alaska, although there have been a few additions and nomenclatural changes since then. Footit (2019; see https://zookeys.pensoft.net/article/26574/) review of the Hemiptera of Canada also indicates that there are 129 species in Canada. A few from you list are newer additions so it appears that the number is still larger than that, and a few additions not yet published bring it still higher. that being said, it is a great list to have the host info associated with the names and it is interesting to see some of the recent changes to the nomenclature

Publicado por stevepaiero hace casi 2 años

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