100 Observations

I passed the 100 observations/postings mark yesterday, number 100 being a snake (Dekays'). I am disappointed that I have several postings that have never been confirmed with an ID by others. One might be due to poor photographs, but the majority of the others should not be any problem to ID. These represent a total of 8 postings, 1 of which has been confirmed, but only to the genus level (some Boletes that I can't ID further myself). This is nearly 10% of my postings, so I am disappointed. I would rather have confirmed IDs available to researchers, than simply large numbers.

When I look at the lists of some other folks I follow however, they seem to have an even higher ratio of unconfirmed observations, so perhaps I'm not doing too bad.

Ms Hewitt, the malacologist, is very close to 25,000 observations! Incredible! With contributions in these quantities, even without 100% confirmations, she's making the researchers happy, I'm sure. She is a researchers herself, of course, and publishes too! A model for the rest of us.

I have heard nothing from the SCHS to date.

Publicado el marzo 7, 2019 02:03 TARDE por rtwhitson3 rtwhitson3


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