Escaping the news a bit -- venturing off to nature! Also, donate to iNat. :)

So, I was getting a bit overwhelmed and stressed out by all of the news... Lots of suffering and anger and bad news. It sucks. I even heard a new term: doomscrolling... You scroll down on your news feed and get bad news after bad news... We're inundated and saturated with it. :-/

Soooooo, I broke a bit of the rules and social distanced far from home the past few days. I know, I know, I know -- I should stay at home, but I just had to shuffle off and really escape. I headed west! I went to Big Springs State Park, Monahans Sandhills State Park, and then to Balmorhea State Park (well, the outskirts -- it's still closed). It was about a 7 hour drive to the furthest spot, but wow, did I have fun. I black lighted at several spots, and I've got a whole slew of photos to go through. :) I've got lots of ID'ing to do as well! Also, I tend to make lots and lots and lots of stops on the roads. This is mostly just to keep me awake as I drive - I have to pull over and stretch my legs and look at a weed or two.

Anyways, it was nice to clear the mind a bit, but I also thought a lot about the community on iNat and iNat in general. It's amplified my enjoyment of nature big time. I take it with me every time I go outside, and it's opened my eyes so much to the biodiversity all around me. It's just a tool, but it's like a bridge -- connecting me with nature even more. I like it! :)

As with most things these days, I bet it's not immune to the financial hardships of all non-profits. If you've got a few extra bucks, you should think about supporting iNat, especially right now. I've also double checked, and yep, the funds DO go straight to iNat and not some other bucket. :)

Anywho, it was mighty nice to escape to nature for a bit, clear my mind, remember what's important in life, and check out some bugs and plants. :) Hope everyone else is doing that every now and then too!

Publicado el julio 10, 2020 09:18 TARDE por sambiology sambiology


Beautifully put, Sam, as always.

Publicado por muir hace alrededor de 4 años

Thanks for your thoughts and all your observations. I enjoyed tagging along with you via iNat on your travels.

Publicado por connlindajo hace alrededor de 4 años

Awesome, Sam! That sounds like a wonderful trip. I love that drive and all those places.
Thanks for the inspiration! iNat wouldn't be near as fun without your enthusiasm and all the gatherings you put together.

Publicado por tadamcochran hace alrededor de 4 años

When this is over, we'll need to schedule gatherings every weekend--I already have several planned in my mind for Timberlake.

Publicado por pfau_tarleton hace alrededor de 4 años

Let's see: Early July in West Texas. It wasn't hot, was it?
Sam, I am at your disposal to help with moth IDs from your travels. I'll try to keep up with them, but tag me if I overlook something interesting or puzzling.

Publicado por gcwarbler hace alrededor de 4 años

Glad you took the trip and took a break from the gloom and doom. Follow you on iNat let me tag along to see things outside my world. Thanks for sharing your observation and your thoughts!

Publicado por texslm hace alrededor de 4 años

I could tell you were way out west by your observations and their coordinates. I'm envious and happy for your wanderings at the same time! Thank you for sharing this and take good care of yourself, friend.

Publicado por troutlily57 hace alrededor de 4 años

Thanks for the observations and the post. Glad you were able to sneak away! I’m inspired to do the same soon!

Publicado por dorothy12 hace alrededor de 4 años

Perfect! Stay away from the doom and gloom on the internet, too, it's not good for the soul.

Publicado por cgritz hace alrededor de 4 años

@pfau_tarleton That sounds like a plan. Chili's had to let me go, so I'm finding myself with a little free time these days.

Publicado por bosqueaaron hace alrededor de 4 años

@bosqueaaron, oh sorry to hear that! Many folks at Tarleton were laid off Friday, fortunately, I'm not one of them (yet). Timberlake visits will have to wait until COVID is resolved as the university is really clamping down on things that we're allowed to do.

Publicado por pfau_tarleton hace alrededor de 4 años

I am glad to hear others are finding ways to get out in nature safely during COVID. My husband and I have also been antsy to travel again. Camping feels like the only safe way except for sharing bathrooms, so we added a small tent where we can hang a solar shower and have a porta potty made of a pail and toilet seat. This way we can keep completely to ourselves except while on the road. This has allowed us to visit a lot of Texas State Parks this year. I would attach a photo but don't see that option here. Cheers Claire Sorenson

Publicado por clairesorenson hace más de 3 años

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