Small gathering of iNatters... Motivation!

Had a GREAT opportunity to jump down to Austin to be out in the field with some expert iNatters on Thursday. It was wonderful to put some faces to screen-names and to meet true experts and passionate people. I snagged so many lifers; I still need to go through all the photos!

Thanks to robberfly, greglasley, cullen, maractwin, ncowey, gcwarbler, and ericisley for an awesome time out in the field. :)

Most of all, I was re-motivated about iNaturalist -- it's such an incredible tool for us naturalists. I can't wait to see what happens as it grows and grows. I foresee wearing out the iNat tshirt that was given to me by robberfly and the fellas from CA.

Observations to come!

P.S. Many of the observations are duplicates from the other iNatters on the trip. I hear this is totally ok to do -- so I shall do it! :)

Publicado el mayo 9, 2015 03:37 TARDE por sambiology sambiology


Like you need to be re-motivated! I'm so glad you got to do this trip and meet people who love nature as much as you do!

Publicado por suz hace alrededor de 9 años

Man. Sorry I missed it!

Publicado por lfelliott hace alrededor de 9 años

Sounds like a great trip! Any idea how to buy t-shirts, can't seem to find them for sale?

Publicado por fm5050 hace alrededor de 9 años

I want to organize a little meet up for the DC-area iNatters. You sure do have some great people in Texas!

Publicado por carrieseltzer hace alrededor de 9 años

Oh, it was a blast. I learned a ton, and it was just great to be with fellow iNatters! :)

Publicado por sambiology hace alrededor de 9 años

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