I'm super lucky to get to work with the Texas Master Naturalist program. And some of the absolute BEST iNatters in Texas are Master Naturalists! There are lots of chapters of this dedicated volunteer group throughout the state. If you're not familiar, here is the website: https://txmn.tamu.edu/
Anyways, there are a couple new classes here in the DFW that have iNaturalist projects just for the new students! Please don't feel obligations, but if you're able to identify or comment on observations (even a little message of "cool critter!" or "great photos!" can be super meaningful), that'd be awesome.
Here's the North Texas Master Naturalist Class of 2024 project page:
And here's the ID page with verified observations included:
Here's the Blackland Prairie Master Naturalist Class of 2024 project page:
And here's the ID page with verified observations included:
I mention a little bit about the 'feedback loop' of ID's here on iNat. No doubt, it takes a bit of energy and time to identify things here on iNaturalist, but that's one of the most beautiful parts of the community -- each ID/comment is a "Welcome to the naturalist community!" sort of message! :)
Will do, Sam!
Both classes are doing so well!
Are these Master Naturalist class iNaturalist projects not defined by the location of the photos then? That is something new!
Sam, in class emphasize that it is as important to assist with ID’s as to turn in observations,
I think that message gets lost in iNat enthusiasm.
Thanks all!
And yeah, some of these students seem to really pick up the tool of iNat! I hope hope hope that some will also go the extra step to ID for each other (and other naturalists around the region/state/world!), but I think that will come after they become comfortable with how iNat works. We can definitely encourage them in this whole process. :) I'll try my best to encourage this in the classes/to specific individuals as well.
@beckymn -- yeah, these projects are more 'user-based' rather than 'place-based.' So, only the specific users that are in the project can add observations, whereas on the places, any and all observations from anyone will make it.
A class could follow each other and see what they all are posting, too.
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