European–ethnocentric–Australian FWIW key to species in the genus Sarcopteryx in Qld by Gordon P. Guymer

European–ethnocentric–Australian FWIW key to species in this genus Sarcopteryx in Qld:
Guymer, Gordon P. (2023)
Species of Sarcopteryx, in:
KeyBase: Flowering plants of Queensland,
Viewed: 2023 November 22nd.
Quotation of the export text: "

1 Fruits distinctly stipitate, stipes 2–5 mm long; SE Qld (south from Fraser Island) - Sarcopteryx stipata

1 Fruits sessile or on stipes to 1 mm long; N Qld (north from Mackay) 2

2 Branchlet leaves with 2–4 leaflets 3
2 Branchlet leaves with 4–10 leaflets 4

3 Leaf rachises 1–4 cm long; leaflets elliptic to obovate (length: width 2–2.5:1), ± concolorous, margins usually recurved, acute to shortly acuminate, lateral veins 7–9; fruits yellow with pink flush - Sarcopteryx montana

3 Leaf rachises 2.5–8.5 cm long; leaflets elliptic-lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate (length: width 2.4–3.2:1), markedly discolorous when dried, margins flat, acuminate, lateral veins 10–13 pairs; fruits pink or red - Sarcopteryx martyana

4 Fruits triquetrous with wings 3–4 mm wide; petals elliptic-oblong, not clawed, 2–2.5 mm long, scales 1–1.25 mm long, pubescent on margins; domatia pockets not obvious - Sarcopteryx acuminata

4 Fruits subglobose, keeled or compressed at sutures; petals suborbicular, 1–2 mm long, often clawed, scales as long as petals, pubescent; domatia pockets prominent - Sarcopteryx reticulata
" .

Publicado el noviembre 22, 2023 06:02 MAÑANA por stewartj-54_2014- stewartj-54_2014-


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