Want to know how to ID your SoCal seashells?

Dear Folks,

I will be here at Moonlight Beach in Encinitas, San Diego County, for a few more days, leaving at 9 am in the morning of Nov 14th.

I am staying at the Moonlight Beach Motel at 233 2nd Street. It is easy to find via the Encinitas Boulevard exit off of Highway 5.

If anyone wants to see some local shells and learn how to ID them, or wants to bring some of your own shells and ask me to help you ID them, I am willing.

Contact me here on iNat.

Susan Hewitt

P.S. Even once I am back in NYC I am willing to teach anyone how to ID shells.

Publicado el noviembre 10, 2023 07:14 TARDE por susanhewitt susanhewitt


Hi Susan, wish I could but this week is not going to be possible. Feel free to reach out next time you come down if you want a place to stay in SD ;). I'm in the Point Loma area.

Publicado por patsimpson2000 hace 11 meses

I will try to let everyone know in advance the next time I am going to be in the area, probably about a year from now.

However, despite your very kind offer, we will almost certainly be staying in Encinitas, maybe for 2 or 3 weeks. I have a few very good friends who live up here that I like to see often.

Publicado por susanhewitt hace 11 meses

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