Campos de observación

Los campos de observación son campos de datos adicionales que se pueden agregar a las observaciones.

Nombre Fecha añadida ↓ Tipo de datos Descripción
Historic Use 07/05/2024 text How has this species been used in the past.
Culinary and/or Medicinal Use 07/05/2024 text How is this species used in the preparation of food and/or as medication.
5. Other observations 06/05/2024 text
2. What is the predominant exposure for the plant? 06/05/2024 text Select best response, required question
Presence of Berries 06/05/2024 text Indicate if you observed berries on the woolly nightshade plant
Control Method Used 06/05/2024 text Choose the method used to control woolly nightshade from the following options
Uses and Preparation 05/05/2024 text Description of potential methods and purposes to use this species for, such as a skin poultice or ointment, a digestive aid sprinkled on top of food, and so on.
Edibility and Safety for Animals 05/05/2024 text Can this species be safely consumed by animals and pets? What kinds? Please include as many different animals as you can. If only edible in certain circumstances, such as when young or when cooked, please include this information.
Magicicada Flagging 05/05/2024 text Leaves of a tree turn brown due to Magicicada ovipositing.
Taxonomy & distribution 05/05/2024 text Add group name (for remarkable records, unpublished problems)
tree canopy symptoms - wrc - simplified 05/05/2024 text Please indicate the type of tree/tree canopy symptoms (e.g. if you can see through the canopy more than normal, please indicate 'thinning'. Similarly, please indicate if the tree has a dead top if the branches at the top are missing needles.
Correspondences 05/05/2024 text
Premental Basal Width 05/05/2024 text Width of proximal end of prementum
Fish length cm (if known) 04/05/2024 numeric For ray-finned fish measure from nose to tail fork. For skates measure wingtip to wingtip.
Fish weight kg (if known) 04/05/2024 numeric Please use slings for all live fish (do not weigh from mouth)
Спаривание птиц 03/05/2024 text птицы спариваются
Frog and Toad Abundance 03/05/2024 text test
Птица собирает материал для строительства гнезда 03/05/2024 text Птица собирает материал для строительства гнезда
Nepal observations 02/05/2024 text
Collection Plant Source 02/05/2024 text For plants in your collection (on your property), how did they get there?
Herbarium number 02/05/2024 text
Adult Weight(g) 02/05/2024 numeric Weight of the hardened off adult
Exuviae Weight(g) 02/05/2024 numeric Weight of the air dried exuviae
Exuviae Weight 02/05/2024 numeric Weight of the air dried exuviae
Adult Total Length(mm) 02/05/2024 numeric Length from front of face to tip of terminal appendages
Whale Fluke ID 01/05/2024 text Name associated with the whale's fluke pattern
Massospora present? 01/05/2024 text Does the cicada show clear signs of Massospora fungus infection?
What bait was used? 01/05/2024 text
Fishing method 01/05/2024 text
Gopher Tortoise Burrow Classification 01/05/2024 text Classifying gopher tortoise burrrows according to McCoy & Mushinsky 1992 (McCoy, E.D., and Mushinsky, H.R. 1992. Studying a species in decline: gopher tortoises and the dilemma of “correction factors.” Herpetologica 48:402-407. )
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