DFW did GREAT this City Nature Challenge! Again the winner: nature!
DFW results: 7th globally in observations, 9th in species, and 10th in observers! This is incredible!
In Texas, DFW is 1st in both observations and observers and 2nd in species. Amazing.
We documented 2626 species in 36384 observations by 1012 observers. Also, huge props to the folks that dedicated time to ID’ing other folks’ observations. 62% of the observations were identified or verified by others. This is great, and super helpful. If you’re still up for it, there are about 12k observations that are still awaiting ID’s or verifications: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?project_id=city-nature-challenge-2019-dallas-fort-worth
Across the board, we did better than last year and the year before!
2018: 35048 observations of 2441 species by 826 observers
2017: 24077 observations of 2309 species by 542 observers
Most importantly, these numbers are being used. Each observation gives information on where something is found in space and time, and when combined with all of other other observations, we have a pretty good idea of what’s out there! Overtime, this information is becoming more and more useful – we can compare this data to future data. Each time you make an observation, recognize this!
Also, this information is being used by public land managers and policy makers. They’re seeing the biodiversity in the area, but just as importantly, they’re seeing the constituency of naturalists that seek out areas of biodiversity. This is meaningful!
Great job to all! Don’t let the observations stop – it’s still spring and wildlife wants to be documented! ;) Many thanks to all the participants of this year’s City Nature Challenge. It was a great one!