The Video for the Global City Nature Challenge Bioblitz is ready at last! Here it is! (1 min, 45 secs)

OVER 400 CITIES around the world are participating from April 28 to May. Help us show the world Louisville's Biodiversity during this Global Bioblitz! Here is the link:

Tell your family and friends to download the iNaturalist app, then look on the CNC-2023 site for their city. If They live here, they can join the project specific for Louisville here:

Here is the Spanish version of this Video
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Publicado el abril 22, 2023 11:44 MAÑANA por margaridamaria margaridamaria


Is there a link on how best use the Naturalist app and the steps to make sure the photos I take are properly attributed to the CNC? thanks

Publicado por prejogram hace alrededor de 1 año

@prejogram and others: If you have joined the CNC Louisville Metro project (which you have if you are reading this), then your photos will AUTOMATICALLY go to the City Nature Challenge Louisville Metro-2023 project, as well as to your life list and any other relevant projects you have signed up for, such as Biodiversity of Kentucy, or if the photo is of bees, then Bees of Kentucky project in iNat.

As for a refresher on how best to use the iNat app, Beverly James has shared a video of a webinar she made last year for the City Nature Challenge-2022. I attended via Zoom and it was excellent. The app platform looks different on Androids, iPhones and on the computer. Beverly goes through each one of them in her zoom. Just skip around until you find the info you want in her YouTube.

Beverly is the Director of Flora Cliff Nature Sanctuary in Lexington and is the main organizer for the Fayette County City Nature Challenge. I am glad she made this YouTube to share with you all!

Here's the link:

Publicado por margaridamaria hace alrededor de 1 año

Thanks for the link! I'm sure it will be helpful to refresh my memory!

Publicado por prejogram hace alrededor de 1 año

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