Your feedback welcomed - and one more event

Thank you to everyone that contributed to this year's City Nature Challenge this year, whether organizing events, teaching workshops, making observations and confirming identifications. This amazing result belongs to you all.

Christchurch placed 26 out of 690 cities, beating Los Angeles, Melbourne and Wellington:

20,133 observations

2,307 species

421 identifiers

349 observers

Almost 4,000 different species have been found in Christchurch over the six years the Challenge has been held here.

Read a bit more about the results in this Newsline article:
'Web of biodiversity spun during city nature challenge"

We'd love to hear any feedback you have about this year's challenge. Did we get the mix of events right? Did you enjoy participating? Was our communication good? What can we do better for next year? Please feel free to add comments to this post.

Café Scientifique

We have one more exciting event offering up our sleeve! Wednesday 22 May is International Biodiversity Day and we are celebrating! There's an amazing line-up of guest speakers sponsored by RSNZ.

Lindsey Conrow – geographer at UC, talking about black-billed gulls
Gail Ingram – poet
Sara Kross – ecologist / conservation biologist at UC
Rebecca (Bex) Le Grice – entomologist and curator at Canterbury Museum, talking about flies
Morgane Merien – entomologist and science communicator at Canterbury Museum, talking about stick insects (and yes, there will opportunities to get a selfie with a stick insect)

The event is free and there will be food and drink available to buy. Book your tickets today

Publicado el mayo 16, 2024 03:05 MAÑANA por smankelow smankelow


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