Challenge yourself!

This year, challenge yourself during the City Nature Challenge!

If you've never participated before, your goal may be to observe a certain number of species.

If you've never made identifications, this may be a fun new way to participate in this event. We made over 20,000 observations in the county last year, and our goal is to make at least 25,000 this year! That's a lot of identifications we'll need help with. (And we need to do that before May 6,2024!).

This video provides great instructions for how to make iNaturalist observations and identifications: .

Are you already an iNaturalist whiz? Maybe your goal could be to help five people learn how to use the app!

Whatever your challenge is, we're cheering you on!

Publicado el abril 12, 2024 01:33 MAÑANA por lmarun lmarun


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