April 25: iNaturalist Workshop at SDSU

How can you turn your everyday observations of nature into valuable scientific data?

Aside from giving you a fresh lens, so to speak, within which to view and understand the nature around us, iNaturalist is a tool that lets us share biodiversity information with researchers around the world.

This information can be used to help answer and address important and sometimes complex questions for all of us related to issues like ecosystem conservation and environmental justice.

Join the Green Team at SDSU's Love Library, where you may not solve all the world's problems, but you'll learn all about iNaturalist and how the biodiversity data you collect with the app is used by researchers.

When: Thursday, April 25, 2024 from noon to 2 PM
Where: Love Library, SDSU
Learn more: https://libguides.sdsu.edu/c.php?g=1381362&p=10215099

Publicado el abril 19, 2024 03:06 TARDE por lmarun lmarun


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