Something special: Velella velella

What about those by-the-wind sailors (Velella velella)?

Being a citizen scientist gives us more opportunities than we would otherwise have to learn about the natural world around us. Did you learn about by-the-wind sailors, and their periodic mass strandings ( for the first time this year?

Like the V. velella, we think each and every one of you is special and you're all making a unique contribution to biodiversity research and conservation. We hope you are enjoying your exploration of, and connections with, the natural world!

Thank you to our event hosts, collaborators, volunteers, and every single citizen scientist!

And one last thing: if you want to help out as part of our identification team, anyone can participate!

Just go to (filtered for San Diego County between April 26-29, 2024) and all of the identifications you make will help us increase our research grade tally.

Publicado el abril 30, 2024 02:16 TARDE por lmarun lmarun


Does it help if we also keep uploading observations that we made during the weekend? I had so many that uploading was taking forever so I started basically just uploading one for each species and I figured I could go back and add the in-between observations later.

Publicado por spifferella hace alrededor de 2 meses

Hi, @spifferella.

YES!!! (Great question!)

Please use these days to upload any and all photos and sound recordings you've made between April 26-29.

You have through midnight May 5 to do this for the observations to count for the CNC (but keep in mind that identifiers will need a bit of time to follow up with IDs).

Also, if you know any birders who used eBird during the CNC time period, they can enter those eBird observations into iNaturalist as well! :)

Publicado por lmarun hace alrededor de 2 meses

AGREED! The 26th thru the 29th is all about GETTING the observation. Now it's time to ADD the observations, a.k.a. "homework" ; ).

Publicado por klyle161 hace alrededor de 2 meses

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