The little things...and big numbers

We're in the final day of this year's City Nature Challenge!

Technically, we have until 9 AM tomorrow, Monday (May 6) to upload observations to iNaturalist from April 26-29 for them to count for this year's CNC.

We still have a bit of work to do though! South Florida is keeping us on our toes as they are just 100 observations behind us currently. Yikes!

See our current global standing here:

Whatever the final results, though, we are deeply appreciative of our strong, inspiring, and FUN CNC team this year, which has really shown us all that that the little things in life are what matter. On the community side, the kindness, generosity of time, and patient sharing of expertise, in addition to the special individual encounters with nature that each of these observations and identifications signify—these have all shone through in the way you have shown up to document and conserve biodiversity in our county. This is special and we are grateful!

So, if you can also help us with this last stretch (and keep us firmly in our #16 global ranking), thank you in advance! Every observation and identification counts! Even the little, beautiful things—like this: (any more Coenagrionidae experts out there to chime in on this?).

Carpe diem!

Publicado el mayo 5, 2024 04:49 TARDE por lmarun lmarun


Looks like the global standing link is the same as the damselfly one.

Also, the damselfly is a Familiar Bluet. :)

Publicado por mikethebirder hace alrededor de 2 meses

Double thanks, Mike!

Link is corrected and it looks like we may be adding to the familiar bluet tally that you yourself have contributed to in your observations! :)

Publicado por lmarun hace alrededor de 2 meses

@lmarun Thank you for cheering us on and keeping us all informed about the CNC! You've done a great job this year.

Publicado por milliebasden hace alrededor de 2 meses

Agreed, thanks lmarun!

Publicado por mikethebirder hace alrededor de 2 meses

I cheer for biodiversity and for anyone and everyone who wants to learn about and help conserve it. A lifetime of cheering would not express the inspiration and enthusiasm you have collectively shown these last ten days.

Carpe diem!

Publicado por lmarun hace alrededor de 2 meses

lmarun! 👏👏👏 Thanks for keeping us going and updated!

Publicado por opoulos hace alrededor de 2 meses

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