

Spring has Sprung! This project reaches 1000+ observations

Had a wonderful time today exploring the Star Hill Road section intensively. Everywhere there were new insects, breeding birds, and luscious flowers.

The project today passed 1,000 observations; it is approaching 200+ species as well.


Publicado el mayo 6, 2018 05:13 MAÑANA por gyrrlfalcon gyrrlfalcon | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
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The far western trail loop for El Corte de Madera is rarely explored or written about. Having adopted it as my new exercise trail loop, I will make a concerted effort to document as many of its life forms as possible. But I am happy to have others helping me in this task!

The route goes from El Corte de Madera Gate 8 to Gate 7. This is primarily the North Leaf Trail, plus the ...más ↓

gyrrlfalcon creó este proyecto el 06 de agosto de 2017
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