Project Area Change

In order to keep this project relevant to the Ballarat region, I have changed the boundary of observations that will be included. The new catchment area is a circle with a radius of 50km centred on the Ballarat Town Hall.

When this project was originally created, it covered the City of Ballarat and some adjoining municipal areas. Back then members had to add their observations to the project manually. When Bill converted the project to a collection project, the area settings changed so that observations from the whole of Victoria were collected. I don't know if this collection area change was accidental or deliberate, but it has meant that the project to some extent lost its Ballarat focus. Rather than return to using the municipal boundaries, which are quite variable in terms of the distances from Ballarat, I created the new circular "place".

If you have any concerns about this change, please comment below.

Publicado el noviembre 15, 2023 05:17 MAÑANA por vireyajacquard vireyajacquard


Thanks for your post on changes to the Project Area Change. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss iNaturalist Projects that FNCB uses with you and some of the reasons why the Victoria wide project was used previously. I can understand why the 50 km radius is being used. It will certainly put the focus on our data collection from our main operating area and this is a good thing. I would like to explore some additional project opportunities which would benefit FNCB involvement in broad biodiversity objectives and not impede in any way the refocusing you have implemented.

Publicado por alexmyco hace 10 meses

We can definitely make more projects if you have some ideas you would like to implement. We can talk about it at the next meeting or field trip if you like.

Publicado por vireyajacquard hace 10 meses

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