7 sleeps until GSB 2022

Not long now until this year's Bioblitz. I'm excited to try the new challenges set by the team:
5 on Friday -document five species on Friday 28 October
moth night- set up a white sheet one evening and record moth species
shake a tree -put a sheet under a tree and give it a shake and record what insects fall off
listen and see - upload an audio, something you have never seen before and something you have

I would also add to the challenge to grab a friend and get them involved-.
Watching your observation tally and species count rise can get a little addictive, especially if you are competitive, and observing our local biodiversity definitely fires up curiosity as to what and who are either visiting or living in our backyards and local bushland areas regardless of age!

I'm pleased Lake Mac City has been involved since the inaugural event in 2020 and looking forward to watching what species are uploaded, this year's event is being held a month later than 2020 & 2021 so maybe we will have some new seasonal species added!
Enjoy everyone!

Publicado el octubre 20, 2022 02:33 MAÑANA por margo_s margo_s


Its looking like great year! we have several events here in Adelaide over the weekend including a couple of Moth nights!

Publicado por saltmarshsteve hace casi 2 años

@saltmarshsteve we are hoping the rain is all over by next weekend!

Publicado por margo_s hace casi 2 años

Yes lets hope, i set my moth light last night and it was one of the best i have seen!

Publicado por saltmarshsteve hace casi 2 años

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